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(this takes place back when they were in college)
3rd person pov

Blue was walking back home from one of his classes. He could finally go home. Of course, Red did not show up to class, likely already knowing he would fail it whether he showed up or not. Blue opened the door to unsurprisingly find Red on the couch, passed out like hell. He sighed as he went into his room to study. This was many of Blue's nights were just studying. The 'eventful' ones would be just playing video games with Jason. As Blue was studying he heard Red cry. This was very odd for anyone to hear, especially since Red was always seen as a very tough guy, the type never to show his true emotions. Blue grabbed his books and walked out of his room to see Red crying on the couch. "Red? What's wrong?" He asked. Red sat up and looked at him, though staying silent. Blue sat down on the couch and repeated "Red? What's wrong? Is it because of finals?" Red nodded quickly before he started crying again. "Oh but Red I thought you were alright with failing all your classes." Blue said. Red wiped his eyes and said "Y-You don't u-understand, I-I want to p-pass my classes, I-I can't manage my t-time that well...I don't e-even know m-my schedule a-anymore..." Blue looked at his books and got an idea. He smiled slightly before saying "Hey Red I have an idea." Red looked at him, teary eyed and all but excited. "W-What's your i-idea, Blue?" Red asked. Blue opened one of his books and said "I could teach you." "That's...." Red inquired, "Not h-half bad of an idea." Blue smiled. "Will I get r-rewards?" Red asked, rather eager. "Uh....sure you can decide the reward I guess..." Blue said. Blue didn't really think of anything to motivate Red to actually learn. Red blushed lightly and asked "C-Can it be anything?" Red asked. Blue nodded as he went to the fridge. "W-What are you doing?" Red asked as he watched him. Blue came back with loads of cherries and said "This is how you will learn math. I thought you needed a more physical example of math." Blue said as he gave him 10 cherries. "Now let us start off with something rather easy. How many cherries do you have now?" Blue asked, already liking being the teacher role. "Uhh...." Red counted them before saying "10." Blue said "Good, very good. If you keep this up you will get your reward that you decide." Red blushed lightly again, this motivating him to keep learning his math skills. Blue placed 5 more cherries in his other hand as he asked "How many cherries do you have now?" Red quickly counted them before saying "15." Blue smiled once again, being rather happy with his progress. Blue took away 2 cherries from him but before he could say anything Red said "HEY YOU TOOK MY CHERRIES ASSHOLE!" Blue giggled before saying "I'm not really taking them forever, Red. Just count how many you have now." Red counted them, still kinda angry. "13." Red said. Blue said "Good. Now say you want double the amount you have now. How many would you have?" It took Red about 5 minutes before he said "26." Blue was really honestly surprised that the Red he knew could actually do basic math. "Alright time for the last thing for tonight. Say you want only half of what you have. How much would you have?" Red cockily said "Blue really? That's much too easy, the answer is 13." Blue smiled before saying "Well I think you have successfully won your reward for today. You got every answer right today." Red threw away the cherries as he approached Blue. Blue blushed lightly as he asked "S-So what do you w-want your reward to be, R-Red?" Red simply said "This." Red then kissed him. Blue blushed bright as he just sat there, in shock mainly because he thought Red would never feel the same way he did towards him. Red pulled away and saw Blue's flushed out face, giggling slightly. "Well goodnight Blue! You're a good kisser by the way~" Red said before he headed out to his room. Blue shyly said "T-Thank you...Y-You a-a-are too." Blue got up and went to his own room, thinking about that Red actually felt the same way towards him. They both fell asleep peacefully.

Ok well that was cute as frick to me, hope you like it as well. :)

Jason, Blue, and Red (c) Mondo Media
Word count: 771 words

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