👚Nature and dresses🧶

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A fair bit of warning I have never in my entire life written an x reader, so if this sucks, I'm sorry. And unless I say otherwise, please do not ask for x readers. This is a gift for one of my friends. I hope you all enjoy. Y/N is your name.

Y/N was walking through the woods. It had been a dark and chilly night so she had on her regular jacket. It was pretty heavy and it shined in the rain of the storm. She was wearing nothing really special, a black pullover sweatshirt and jeans. She was walking through the forest to get her mind off things, everything seemed to be going wrong in her life but nature was one of the few things that could calm her down. That and good memes. Very good memes.

As she was walking through the forest, the constant thoughts running through her head made her unconscious of her surroundings, she tripped and fell on a branch, ripping her jeans. Y/N cussed silently to herself, "God fuckin' damn it..I'm bleeding now too." She was bleeding slightly from a sharp branch that had ripped through her jeans, releasing a trickle of blood alongside with it. Now her parents would have something to point out when she got home as proof of evidence of her leaving the house and going into the woods. Great...just great....

This thought only made her run faster into the forest. She kept on running and running into the forest, trying to forget all of her troubles by running and running. She was near the center of the forest when she saw quite a large brown cabin. Maybe they could help, she thought to herself. Y/N walked up to the porch and knocked on the door.

Once the door was opened, Y/N saw the most handsome boy she'd ever seen in her life. A boy with green hair and a green hat to match, all topped off with a lime green frilly pink dress. In the back of her mind, she thought he looked familiar but couldn't remember who it looked like.

He was practically bouncing with joy it seemed like. "Hey, I'm Lord Tourettes, at your service, what do you need my help with, girl?"

She shook his hand. "I'm a 21-year-old girl and my name is Y/N." Yes, she was 21 and still living with her parents.

"Aww Y/N is such a cute name..."

She blushed slightly. "Uh...th-thank you. Yours is too." He led her inside of his cabin. They both sat down on one of the couches that he had inside his cabin.

He sipped from his teacup. "So what'd you come 'round for?"

"Oh, I just got a little scratch is all. Nothing much."

He stood up, put his teacup down, and motioned her to follow her. Y/N did follow him, really wanting to hold his hand but resisting. Until he held hers, her blushing again slightly.

"So you said you need have that scratch fixed up, right?"

Y/N nods. "Then come over here, I have a lot of medical supplies." And unsurprisingly, he did.

He sat in a share and got out rubbing alcohol and a bandaid. She sat down in a different chair across from him, trying to relax. He brought her leg into his lap so he could do what is nesccary to fix the little trickle of blood. First, he got out a cotton ball and some tweezers. He dipped the cotton ball ever so delicately into the rubbing alcohol. He rubbed it against the spot which had been scratched up. She felt it burn but it wasn't too bad. He then put the band-aid on what seemed to be the exact spot she was bleeding from.

"There but your jeans are ripped..."

"Oh, it's no big deal I promise you that." Y/N tried to say.

However, what he did next was something she didn't expect. He took off his frilly lime green dress, the one she admired so much from afar, and gave it to her. To her out of all the girls, he gave it to her. She felt like the happiest girl in the world, even if she wasn't much of a girly girl, she would gladly take anything from her new boyfriend-friend. Yep, just friend.

After she was done in the bathroom changing, he saw what he looked like without the dress. He was wearing a flowery tank top and the shortest shorts she's ever seen in her life, even shorter than some of the ones the people at her high school wore, which was saying a lot. They also seemed to be scrunched up, it looked as if they were skinny short shorts. She looked down, under that were nature thigh high socks, green covered in red ladybugs. He was sitting there shyly, looking down and holding his neck, as if he was embarrassed.

Once he noticed her, he smiled. "Wow, you look FUCKING amazing in that dress!"

I guess that's where he got his name, Y/N thought to herself. "Uh, thanks."

"Oh, I have the perfect thing for this!" He said before running off. Y/N sat down in a chair, waiting on him. He returned with the most beautiful flower crown she'd ever seen and he placed it on her head.

He looked like he has forgotten something important and she soon realized what that was. He kissed her on both cheeks. "Sorry I forgot to greet you."

...oh he's from France, Y/N thought to herself. She smiled and greeted him back. He blushed slightly. "So uh...want to stay here for a while...?"

She nodded and chirped, "However long you can keep me here for!"

He giggled. "You know..."

Y/N looked at him curiously. "I usually only go for guys but I feel...different around you..."

"Bi?" She suggested.

He shrugged. "Probably, either way, I only know one thing, I love your adventurous nature, only a true adventurer would get bruises and stuff..."

Y/N smiled. "And I love your kind and sweet nature."

"So...want to be a couple or something...?"

She hugged him close and gave him a small peck on the lips. "Of course!" She giggled as she saw his face grow red. That night they slept the night away together, snuggling.

The end

Word count: 1053 words 

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