📘Double Date🧨

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3rd pov

Blue was walking home from a class of his late into the night. It had been quite the stressful day, a lot of his midterm finals were today, but he had studied enough to where he knew he aced it. He could feel it.

Just then he got a text from his beloved girlfriend, Pink. The text reads 'Hey Blue! I just asked Stacy and she agreed to that double date idea I had a few months ago. So dress up in your best attire, not only for me but for your best bro! See you there, love Pink. Oh P.S, it's at the same dinner place we had our first date at. See you there at 8! Xoxo, Pink.''

"My best bro...? Oh no," Blue realized out loud that his 'best bro' would be Red. He, in all honesty, didn't really want to meet with him because he would likely ruin a lot of things with Pink. He would likely be obnoxious, rude, and crude.

Blue sighed, knowing that the date was already set up and Pink would likely be mad if he interfered with her plans. She did shoot me once, he thought to himself.

He walked home, other than the fact that he was going to have to deal with Red, he was fairly happy. Finally he didn't have to worry about his midterm finals anymore. Finally, he could relax. He walked back to his apartment and opened up the door, seeing his roommate sleeping on the couch.

"Oh great," He said. "Just what I need. Red wake up!" Red was still asleep, likely dreaming of booze of something.

Blue shook him violently and he jolted awake. "Whaaaat?" Red groaned.

"Dude we have to get ready!" He said

"For what?"

"For our double date!"

"I have one girlfriend?"

Blue facepalmed. "You have more than one but Stacy is your main one, right?"

"Pfft, no. She's just the one I see the most."

"So she is the main girl?"

"No no, see the main one is the one I hang out with the most." He said, emphasizing hang out.

"Gross." Blue rolled his eyes.

"But why the hell are you all of a sudden talking about Stacy?"

He facepalmed. "Didn't you hear me? We gotta get ready for a double date!"

"With Pink?"

"Well, that is my girlfriend so yea"

Red sighed and got out of his comfy cocoon, AKA, the couch. He waddled over, barely standing up because of how still tired he was from the night before and changed into a fancy tuxedo that he had "borrowed" months and months ago from Blue.

He walked out, wearing the tuxedo, spinning around in it like a girl(or LT) would spin around in a dress.

He glanced at him. "Well you don't look like a dumbass"

"Sometimes I gotta wonder...why do you care for that bitch?"

Blue scoffed. "Like your one to talk..."

Red gasped like he was offended. "How dare you assume that I care for my girlfriend!"

"I already know you don't care for your girlfriend, you already have a million others."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Nevermind...now get out of my room."

"What? Why?"

Blue held up his tuxedo in front of him. "It's my turn to change, remember?"

"Oh right...well if I have to go fancy you should have to go fancy too!"

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