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(Note: This does have blood and gore in it if that makes you sick to your stomach, I suggest clicking off.)

(the practice of descriptive writing)

LT was sleeping in his cozy brown cabin in the middle of the forest he adored so dearly. You may think he was into Daoism because of all the nature, but you would be wrong. It was true that he liked nature, of course, but he was actually a satanist. However, he was no normal satanist, which is already a weird concept in its own right. You see, most Satanists, they sacrifice goats to their overlord, the devil, but LT sacrificed humans instead. Not only are they seen as more valuable than goats, but he also loves every animal too much to hurt one of them.

It was March 4th as it struck midnight as his alarm clock awakened him. He woke up, gripped hold of his knife which had been so delicately tucked under his pillow so nobody could find it, put his iconic hat on top of his green-haired head and walked outside. Outside the first thing, he did was prance around like a little princess, which fitted him, seeing as he did wear a dress every day. That was another reason he would be out this late, you see he would always get picked on and the brave ones of the group of bullies would push or shove him for wearing his frilly lime green dress. Once someone tried to throw a rock directly at his head. Luckily it didn't hit him, but with the amount of force it had, it could have knocked him out very easily. Scary easy.

After he was done frolicking around, he crunched his flats into the newly bound mud from all the rain and dirt that had mixed together. He tried to cuss silently, but with his Tourettes acting up, he knew it wouldn't be that easy. He wasn't insanely loud but he was still worried about someone hearing him. And that was the key to murdering someone, stealth.

As he was walking to the city(since he not only lived in the middle of nowhere, he also didn't want to buy a car since he thought it polluted the environment, nonetheless use one...but he isn't wrong) he started to think of all the things he could wish for. Just one more person and I could really impress him, he thought to himself.

You see, LT was undeniably gay. Now he did have a wife, keyword did but nobody knows why he had a wife in the first place if he was gay along. The main theory is that he wanted to start a family, but being gay it's hard to do that so he got with a girl and had a son with her.

However, the real love of his life was Broseph. He wanted to impress him so badly, so very badly, that he would do something as most people would call drastic to get what he wanted. How would he impress him you ask? Well, he would wish to be very masculine. Yes, it would strip away some of...well himself..but hey at least he could get the guy he always dreamed about getting.

He eventually got into the city and realized he had a very important decision to make, who would he kill? He already killed some girls and some of the residents(Papa San, Jason, his mom, Stacy, Pink, that one girl, Mr. Dingleberry). That only left the girl Red was probably with, Red, and Blue.

Lord Tourettes sat down on the wet grass(which thankfully wasn't nearly as muddy as around his cabin was) and put then knife under his hat. He needed to decide how he was going to do this.

If he killed the girl Red may or may not be with, Red would get mad and undeniably kill him on the spot. He has killed at the moment before, he thought to himself, recalling when he was turned gray he had no problem killing his butlers which were likely innocent people.

If he killed Red, Blue, even though he didn't show it much, would miss him. He didn't like him most of the time, hell less than half of the time, but he still cared about him, somewhere inside of him. Plus he didn't want to make his friend sad.

Speaking of, if he killed Blue, he would never forgive himself for it. Though it has been a long, long, long time since he has thought about Blue in a romantic way, he still cared about him(not as a crush anymore).

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