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3rd person POV

Blue was doing his regular thing of working which is getting as much done as he possibly could until he would get done, no breaks, which is probably not the best way of doing things, but it worked for him. Then he would allow himself the rest of the day off. He was working hard on an essay and just turned it in as Red barged into the room.

He sighed in annoyance. "What is it this time?"

"We need more alcohol and drugs."

"Firstly the drugs I know you are talking of are not legal and you've spent the rest of the money on the alcohol."

"Nuh-uh, I saw you went to get your drugs the other day."

He sighed. "Those I need"

"Like I need mine!"

"I got antidepressants Red, I do need them."

"For what?"

He facepalmed. "My depression."

"Pff...I still need mine too..."

"Look what will make you happy and stop annoying me for money?"

Red thought for a bit. He sat on the bed while Blue was still sitting at his desk. He got comfy and patted the spot beside him.

"You want me to sit beside you?"

He nodded, Blue sighed. "Just don't do anything stupid, ok?"

"I'll try but I am a dumbass."

"Whatever." Blue closed his laptop since he was done for the day and sat beside him. He hugged him.

"This..." He said, confused. "...is all it takes to make you happy?"

He nodded. "Well I'm already happy but...you're really comfy."

"Gee thanks..."

"C'mon...get that stick out of your ass and relax a little." He held onto him tighter.

Blue sighed as he leaned on him, defeated. In all honesty, he did want to just cuddle and hang out with him and have fun. But he couldn't really do that since he was worried about 2 things. 1 being everything bad that could happen if he got too close to him because even though he got close with girls, he knew he was straight. Even if he did want to get close to him, it was likely just to get his small lust on someone who didn't want to go all the way or something along those lines.

Red looked down on him, rubbing his head. "You good dude?"

"Yea...everything's fine..."

"Ok...you know...I shouldn't be doing this but..." He paused and kissed his forehead, looking away. "That usually makes my girls happier..."

Blue sat there, surprised. He would have never expected this however he didn't mind it either. He sat on his knees and kissed his forehead back, immediately regretting it, so he curled up in a ball.

He poked his ass. "Hey, it's fine. I know you were just getting revenge."

"EEK! R-Red! Don't poke there...an revenge is supposed to be worse than the thing they did to you..." He sat up.

"Oh?" He inquired, thinking for a moment. On one hand, he did want to continue this further but on the other, he didn't want to be called gay or anything. However, he thought he was already gay so he didn't see why he shouldn't.

And that's why he kissed him briefly.

Blue sat there, a blue blush spreading across both of his cheeks. "U-Uh..."

"What? You said it had to be worse didn't ya?" He punched him playfully.

"Y-Yea I know i-it's just that..." He sighed. "...that was my first kiss..."

He laughed. "You're kidding aren't you?"

He shook his head. "Not even Pink kissed you...?"

"We've broken up..."

"Oh...well she was a bitch anyway."


"She had nice-"

"Don't finish that statement and she didn't."

"Pfft, whatever..." He put his head on his shoulder. "Bros before hoes anyways..."

He looked down. Damnit! What do I do?? He's so cute...but...wel he did just kiss me so..., he thought to himself and took a deep breath.


He looked up from his shoulder. "Yes Blue?"

"Why d-did you kiss me?"

He got off his shoulder, blushing slightly. "I-I had a perfectly good reason!"

"Then say it."

"Kissing practice."

He looked at him like he didn't believe him. "Bruh"


"You've been with so many girls, you think I believe that?"

He sighed. "I wanted to experiment with my sexuality..."

This broke him. "So you used me?"

"Yes, but look..." He held his hand. "There's a very important reason why I did..."

"Red?" His gaze met his.

"Blue I...I've been in love with you since senior year!"

He blushed again. "Y-You...mean that...?"

He nodded. Blue kissed him. This time it was more the cliche Hollywood movie type of kiss.

Once they pulled away, Bue was the first to speak. "S-So...wh-what are we...?"

"What do you mean?" He cocked his head to the side while his boyfriend? Friends, who love each other? Really super close friends? God knows what, but while Blue sat beside him closely.

"Well...I-I know your reputation means a-a lot to you...so d-do you wanna be public or...?"

"No...however I want to stop seeing girls."

"Just for me?"

He nodded as his newly acquired boyfriend smiled.

"Heh, cute..." He rubbed his head.

"I love you Red."

"I love you too Blue."

The end

Word count: 795 words

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