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   3rd person pov

Blue checked his phone again. He'd been doing this for the last couple of minutes. You see, he was very terrified of storms, and he seen a storm was coming towards them. Red wasn't that worried, mainly because he was drunk. Very very drunk. "Uh Red it says here the storm is only a few minutes away..." Blue said as he shivered. Red looked up from his bottle and drunkenly said "S-So what's your point?" "I-I'm scared of storms..." He said. "Who is this 'storms' person? I'll k-knock them out. Nobody is s-scaring my Blue." Red said, as he hugged him. Blue blushed lightly as he said "S-Storms is not a person, I-I'm just scared of storms in general..." There was a loud thunder crackle that made Blue practically jump up, all the adrenaline he thought was gone was rushing back to him. This caused him to squirm a bit in Red's grasp. "S-Something wrong, baby Blue~?" Blue felt his face grow a shade darker though he did feel calmer at the nickname. It was likely this was just Red being drunk, making Blue frown a bit at the thought. Red held him tighter "There there e-everything will be alright..." As soon as he said that, everything went a lot times worse. The power went out. The only thing that scared Blue more than storms, was the dark. He screamed quite loudly as he started hyperventilating. "Shhh....l-little Blue everything w-will be alright..." Red said as he got up to get something. Blue was trying to control his breathing, though it not working very well as he was crying lightly. Red quickly searched around for his phone, him eventually finding it. He sat back down on the couch with him, though there was no internet, he could stream music with Spotify Premium. He played Lights Quiet as he hugged him once again. Blue felt calmer in his grasp once again. Blue kissed his forehead, him immediately putting his face in his hands, embarrassed as hell. Red looked down at him as he returned the favor. He looked up at him, confused. "There th-there it's a-alright we all make mistakes, though I could not call w-what you did a mistake..." Red said, him blushing lightly. Blue wiped his eyes and asked "W-What do you mean? I-I ruined the moment...didn't I?" Red shook his head "No a-actually you didn't..." Red said. It was hard for him to admit that he had feelings for him. "R-Red can I tell you s-something?" Blue asked, fidgeting with his fingers. Blue was so very nervous of what he had to say. "Yeah Blue?" Red asked. "I-I..." Blue cut himself off, too embarrassed to say the 3 simple words he wanted to say so badly. "W-What did you say?" Red asked,hoping he meant to say what he thought he was going to say. Red was slowly sobering up at this point, though Blue did not realize it. "I-I-I uh...have t-to go to the bathroom! Y-Yeah!" Blue said as he sped off to the bathroom and brought his phone with him. Red sighed as he got up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Blue? You doing alright in there?" Blue was on the floor, fighting back tears as he unsteadily responded "Y-Yeah...I-I need to t-tell you something...s-serious..." "Well whatever you have to say, just say it, we are best friends after all" Red said as he mentally face palmed. He did want to be more than friends with Blue. Much more. Blue only got sadder at the statement "Y-Yep just best friends...nothing m-more...nothing l-less..." Red still felt stupid for saying that, which for him is saying something. "Look maybe we...could be...more than friends?" Red asked,covering his mouth immediately afterwards. He was so embarrassed that he had just said that, he didn't mean to say it aloud. Blue wiped his tears as he asked "R-Really? B-Because Red...",Blue asked as he took a deep breath, "I-I love you a-as much more th-than a friend." Blue felt oddly better. Even though he was terrified on Red had to say to this, he also felt more calm that he at least knew that information. Red blushed hard as he asked "R-Really?" Blue got a bit worried at this but insecurely said "Y-Yeah I d-do..." Red barged in and got on the floor with him, hugging him. Blue hugged back, so happy even if this is all that they would be. "I-I love you t-too..." Red said. Blue's eyes widened as he pulled away slightly, to face him. "I-I'm so glad~" He said before lightly kissing him. Red's face became hot as they kissed and snuggled more until morning. They both had the best sleep of their lives with one another.

Another Red & Blue one shot! :D

Spotify (c) Spotify
Red & Blue (c) Mondo Media
Word count: 806 words

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