📚Study and help📘

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(Gender non-specific)

Y/N had a pretty big quiz to study up for, it was their final for their main math class. They hated math class. But alas they still chose to study so they could get a good grade. They brought their backpack, filled with notebooks, pencils, and of course Red Bulls not necessarily to stay up but to stay focused enough to absorb the information being presented. They sat down at the library table, placing their stuff down, and got out some of the textbooks.

They looked around them to see who all was there and to see if anybody could help them. They saw a boy with blue hair leaning over a textbook. Even from afar, it was pretty obvious that he had eyebags. He looked pretty lonely, almost nobody being in the library after all.

Y/N picked up their stuff and sat beside him. He looked up from his books. "Can I help you?"

"Oh you just looked lonely so I came over...if that's ok..."

"Yea...it's just...nevermind." He continued to read his textbook.


"I shouldn't be pouring out feelings to you like you're a therapist..."

"Can't you get one?"

"I would...if I wasn't in debt..." He sighed.

"Oh..." They sat there awkwardly for a second. "Well you don't have to, but you can talk about it."

"Somewhere more private please?"

"Oh right." They took out a piece of notebook paper and scribbled their phone number on it, handing it to him.

"I-It's ok....you don't have to take care of my feelings y'know..."

"No no, I insist." They said with a smile.

He reluctantly took it. "But I wanna pay you back in some way..."

"Hm..." Y/N thought for a moment. "Oh could you help me with a subject?"

"Depends, do we have the same class?"

"Not sure..."

"Tell me your name."

They were confused. "What?"

"I memorized everyone's name having to do role-call, if you tell me your name I might know it."

"Oh, it's Y/N."

"Oh yeaaaa, you're in my math class." He got his notes out of his backpack. "I can try to help you if you'd like, this is pretty easy for me."


The librarian told them to quiet down.

"Maybe we should go to your place..." They said

"No way, my roommate is like always drunk. Can we go to yours?"


They both packed up and Y/N led him to their room. "This is my room! My roommate left a few weeks ago."

He sat on their bed. "Why?"

"She said it was 'too clean' or something..."

"I wish my dorm was like that..."

"Oh, I bet...anyhow I'm really confused about this part..." They sat in the bed, close beside him. They got their homework out and pointed to a problem. It said "x + 5 = 10"

He looked at the problem and thought of a way to phrase it. "What's 10 - 5?"


He pointed to the x. "Then that would be x because 5 + 5 is 10."

"Ohhhh thank you!"

"You're welcome, anything else you're confused about?"

"Nope that's the last one." They filled in their answer as 5. "Now, for my part, I'll listen."

He was confused but then remembered. "Oh right..." He sighed. "Are you sure you wanna hear that?"

They nodded. "I want to help..."

"...I've just been stressed out lately. Red has been more annoying because lately, he hasn't been able to get any girls, he does that usually a lot. Pink broke up with me and finals are putting pressure on me..."

"Maybe you just need to unwind a little..."

He sighed. "Maybe you're right, Y/N..."

"Wanna unwind with me?"

He nodded. "Wanna watch Rick and Morty?"

"Yea!" Y/N leaned on him and he didn't react, except for the blue flushing his face a little. He tried to ignore it and turned it to Rick and Morty.

"Y-You're a little close there..." Blue stated.

"Do you want me to get off?"

He stayed silent, shaking his head no. They stayed there as they watched.

After a bit, they asked "Hey can I stay-oh right this is my dorm" They giggled. "Do you wanna stay here for the night."

"Sure...i-if you don't mind..."

"No, I don't" They held his hand. "It's ok"


They looked up at his blue flushed face. "Oh dear...do you want me to stop? You're blushing pretty bad."

"I-It's ok..."

"But hey...maybe this isn't the best time but can I tell you something?"

He nodded.

They started. "Hey, I think I like you...kinda a lot..."

He smiled. "I-I do too..." He kissed their forehead.

They giggled and smiled as well.

Their night was spent giving their new boyfriend many kisses and flirts. Eventually they both fell asleep, Blue spooning Y/N.

The end.

Word count: 738 words

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