Chapter 7

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The next few moments happened in the blink of an eye. Zachiel pushed him back, slicing Magnus's chest with his knife. Magnus screams as he flails back from the impact. An arrow pierces through the vampires as Magnus stumbles back. His eyes close as he prepared to feel the impact of the water.

"NO!" Alec screamed as he watched Magnus fall off the bridge. The young Shadowhunter springs into the water. He frantically searched for Magnus, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Magnus? Magnus!" Alec gasped as the cold water made his entire body shiver.

He calms down and tried again. Alec dives under, the water stinging his eyes as he finds Magnus, who had his eyes closed and wasn't moving. His hands clasped around the Warlock's body, pulling him out of the cold water. "Magnus?" The Warlock's head slumps against his shoulders.

He looked pale and cold. Alec squeezed him and tried to gently tap his cheek. Magnus spits the water into Alec's face and gasps. Alec breathed a sigh of relief as he swims to the shore, holding Magnus tightly. The cool Brooklyn air hits Magnus as he shivered at Alec's touch. His eyes open slowly, and his breathing was irregular.

"Alexander are you ok?" He stuttered weakly as he reached out to touch Alec's cheek. Alec wanted to laugh at the irony of the situation, but Magnus was hurt badly. The cut, thank the angels, wasn't that deep, but Magnus was trembling under him.

Probably the magic drain and the cold water. "I'm fine Mags. Just stay with me ok?" Magnus nodded weakly as Alec took him in his arms and kissed the Warlock's forehead. Magnus tried to stay awake as best as he could by smiling softly at Alec and taking his strength. Jace came up behind him and started to say something.

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