Chapter 1

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Okay...this chapter is going to seem extremely boring but I swear it'll get better towards the end😔🖐 i can't just jump right into action.


"Holy...shit." I manage to hear over the loud music that was playing.

I look around, almost in disgust, before my eyes land on my friend who convinced me to come to this stupid party, and she looks at me back with wide eyes.

"Holy shit!" She yells again and breaks out into a grin. "This is exactly like the movies. The loud music, people dancing, the house is messy already, people so drunk they can't even form sentences- and look!" She points at some random guy taking a drink from his cheap plastic cup. "They even have red solo cups. Isn't this a dream?" She swoons.

"More like a nightmare." I respond, barely even able to hear her.

"I cannot hear shit you are saying, but I'm going to imagine you agreed with me for once. I'll imagine you saying something along the lines of 'Yes Lorena, this is so amazing. I'm so grateful and happy you convinced me to come with you' okay?" She put air quotations on what was meant to be my words. I just shake my head in response.

"Let's get a drink." She grabs my hand and drags me to the kitchen. "I heard, that the best part of this frat house, is that they're all rich and white so drinks are always provided. Isn't that great?" Lorena excitedly pours herself a cup of whatever bottle she first saw.

"What do you want?" She asks me.

"Water." I scrunch up my face at the smell of whatever she poured. "I want water. With ice." I add the last bit.

"You can't ask for ice at someone else's party. And you have to drink. This is our first actual college party. We are freshmen. You think we'll get invited again to one of these?" My friend puts her cup down and grabs my shoulders. "Live a little."

"Hun, if we're both drunk, how do you expect us to get home safely? You know what they say about frat boys..." I mentally gag. "They're dogs." I watch as my friend ponders in thought.

"You're right. I get completely and utterly drunk, and you take us home safe." She grins then grabs a cup and walks over to the freezer. She comes back in a matter of seconds, just handing me a water bottle.

"I don't think you want ice. It looks yellow." She shudders. I laugh and she chugs her drink.

"Let's go dance!" She pulls my arm and leads me back into the living room, where most of the people were at, dancing their lives away.

I hate dancing, and Lorena knows this. I don't know why, I just feel embarrassed whenever people want me to dance. Although I highly doubt anybody cares enough to pay attention to me dance, it just feels like the entire world has their eyes on me and are judging my every move when I do. Lorena starts dancing and has on such a big smile, trying to encourage me to move my body as she did. I shake my head no, but she just grabs my hands and starts tugging me around. I want to leave now. I should have never agreed to come.

"Callie!" I hear Lorena yell and then wave her hands in the air, motioning for our friend to come over to us.

Callie beams and quickly makes her way over.

"Hey girls!" She gives us a hug each. "Are you enjoying the party?"

"I am, she's not." Lorena points at me, laughing.

"Hey...I never said that." I respond, though we all know that parties are not my thing. I don't like being around so many people.

"It's just, there's so many people in here, and the music is loud...." I trail off. "I'm sorry. I'm complaining. I'm happy that you guys are here with me though, it makes it all the better." I add. I really did love my friends, but I hated parties.

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