Chapter 7

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(DISCLAIMER: the last chapter was set in the middle of September, and this chapter is set about the middle of October, so about 4 weeks have passed.)


I've now been driving Zuko to and from school so that he can have someone to talk to. Also, because I'm his boyfriend and I want to drive him to school. Surprisingly, Katara doesn't like me driving her to school, so Zuko and I get to go to school together on our own.

I pulled up to the Jasmine Dragon to pick up Zuko, who was waiting at the curb.

"Hey, handsome," I said, rolling down the window. "You need a ride?"

"Sh- shut up, Sokka." Zuko said, looking away. He did get in the car, though, so apparently he didn't actually want me to shut up.

When we started driving, Zuko turned to me and asked, "Is it okay if I ask you something personal?"

"Yeah, sure." I agreed, not taking my eyes off the road.

"Where are your parents?"

I flinched a little, but then decided that since Zuko talked about his traumatic past, I should tell him about mine. "My mom died when I was ten, and my dad... I don't know where he his."

Zuko just nodded, and we sat in silence for the next few minutes.

"So, Zuko," I broke the silence. "What are you planning on being for Halloween?"

"Why do I need to change?" He asked. "Aren't I already scary enough with my scar?" He held up his hands like claws and growled.

I laughed. "You don't scare me." I teased.

"It wasn't supposed to scare you." Zuko pouted. He looked over at me. "Sokka, stop staring and keep your eyes on the goddamned road."

"O- oh, yeah!" We arrived at the school shortly after that and headed to our first hour class.

Sometimes, between classes when I bumped into Zuko, I'd sneakily give him pecks on the cheek. He hated it. It was fantastic seeing his face go all red. I was so sneaky with it, that no one around him ever noticed.

I'm the king of sneaky. Sneak? Sneaking? Whatever.

Anyway, I make these sneaking powers useful whenever I try to scare my friends. I don't, however, use these powers on Toph or Suki. Suki likes to hit, and Toph has some sort of psychic powers that tell her when people are approaching.

Zuko used a fancy word for Toph's powers. He called them "seismic wave reading". I don't know what that means, so I just call her powers "Sneaky Stopper". I know, 10/10 name, right?

Anyway, where am I going with this?

Oh, yeah! I was walking to lunch with Zuko, and when we were in a hallway alone, I sneakily kissed him on the lips, and walked away. He had to do a double take before he jogged after me.

"You- you can't do that, Sokka!" Zuko complained. "What if someone saw?"

"Don't worry, Zuko," I said, "I made sure no one saw."

Zuko mumbled something that I didn't catch, and then sped up.

I walked behind him into the lunch room and sat down at our table.

"Zuko, are you okay?" Katara asked when he sat down. "You look like you have a fever."

I was a little taken aback by her sentiment. Usually, Katara ignored Zuko. I didn't think she liked him that much. But, there I was, being proven wrong yet again.

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