Ok Y'all

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Today is the day I'm going to come out as agender to my two best friends! I'm nervous but oddly excited as well. I'm pretty positive they'll accept me, although I might have to explain some things to them.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about what'll happen for the past three days. Also, I've been contemplating whether or not it's too early to come out since I've seen stories about people who were in the closet for years while I just realized I was agender like a week ago.

But I trust them so we're doing this today!

Ahhh I'm nervous!

(Ok random note I just realized the other day, just how many exclamation marks I have a tendency to use. Oops. I just think they're expressive)

My family still has no clue about me being agender. That's who I'm worried about telling. But I'm not gonna get into the negative stuff right now!

I love you guys and will write how it all going later!

Much love,

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