Just Me Complaining

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Wassup. It's me.

I'm not in a great mood right now. 😶

School's just stressing me out today. Then again most of it's my fault since I procrastinate so much.

I've got a project due tonight that I haven't started.

A test is coming up this Friday

My teacher kept calling on me today, and I am terrified of being called on

I had to work in a group but no one wanted to talk, we almost got in trouble for that. I have such a strong urge to tell her that I'd love go interact with others, but can't seem to bring myself to hit the unmute button and say anything because I'm too scared.

⬆️That was all ELA ⬆️

And last but not least my fitness teacher just changed up the activity we're supposed to do for a fitness log. 😣 I get severely anxious whenever working out (or doing anything to be honest) in a place other people could walk in on me.

(By the way, I'm doing online school, that's why I was talking about unmuting myself earlier 😅)

The last one's an irrational fear that I have but oh well. I just don't like people seeing me vulnerable and get anxious when put in a situation that makes me feel that way.

For me, I can't stop thinking that if you're vulnerable, you're weak. And if you're weak, you're not in control. I have this overwhelming need to be in control of my life, but I don't feel like I am.

I feel weak.

And honestly that makes me hate myself.

Sorry. I made this all depressing. But I guess it's whatever. Today just sucks, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I love you guys!

Remember I'm free to talk anytime so message me if you need/want a friend to talk to 😁

See ya,

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