"Courtesy Call" by Thousand Foot Krutch

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AN: Well It fought me, but I did get something written. Standard disclaimer! I only own Lory. Everything else is the property of C.L.Stone. Constructive criticism is welcome and even requested, but flames will be used to make s'mores. I love votes and views. Please let me know your favorite lines and moments. Happy Reading.

There was something about the girl that had been sent to help Axel and Marc that was bothering Raven. Something...he couldn't quite put his finger on.

He had noticed Lilianna immediately. Every man with a pulse had noticed her. She had strutted into the club like sex in heels. Even the bartender had stopped and taken an interest in who she was. The DJ that was working the party apparently knew her and they had worked together for a few minutes. Then she hit the bar and flirted with the bartender while he mixed her drink. He saw when she spotted them. A flash of appreciation lit her dark eyes. For just a second her appreciative smirk reminded him of someone, but it was gone from her face before he had a chance to figure out who it reminded him of.

She was sexy. Very sexy. He was neither blind nor dead, so he noticed this fact. But it didn't matter how sexy she was. She wasn't his little warrior, so he wasn't interested.

She made Marc uncomfortable. She had walked up to him and greeted him as though he'd spent the previous night in her bed and she was looking for a repeat. She had been in his space and to Marc's credit, he hadn't done more than tense for a second.

"Tomas," she purred, her voice a low rasp in his ears as she gave an assessing look to Axel, "Introduce me to your friend."

That had been over an hour ago. She had dragged Marc to the dance floor for several songs. She had taken him to the bar where she and Marc had a couple of shots before he had led her back to Axel who had watched and mingled along the edges of the party with Raven in silent attendance. She was currently hanging on Marc's arm as if she belonged to him and he had to play along. He was having to flirt with her because she was part of the cover.

Raven could tell Marc was hating it but he was fairly certain judging by the many jealous looks in Marc's directions that he was the only one that could tell Marc was decidedly not into it. Axel was doing better at hiding his annoyance with her. But Raven knew most of the people in the room who caught his less than pleased looks assumed that Axel was just wishing he was in Marc's place.

His eyes roved over her body checking out the tattoos he could see, the ridiculously high heels, the hair with the freshly kissed effect. What was bothering him? It was starting to grate on his nerves.

He turned his eyes back on the room watching everyone and everything. People saw him and dismissed him as nothing but brain dead muscle. Let him speak and the opinion was solidified. That was fine with him. Let them underestimate him. He had seen at least three drug deals. He knew who hated each other and who was having a secret fuck in the back room while their spouse was occupied. There was a lot of information to be had if you could keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

Observation really was an underrated skill but it was important if you wanted to know your enemies. Or your friends. This is why Raven knew exactly why his brothers were in turns annoyed and uncomfortable.

She wasn't Lory.

"Smile, Tomas," She coaxed Marc as she sipped her drink. She pushed her body closer and with a flirty smirk, she spoke slowly in his ear. "People will think you don't like me. You've been doing well. You've danced and flirted and had fun. Tell me, what's the problem?"

She walked in front of him and was plastered to his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You're not her," he whispered to the vixen.

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