(she) III

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Ever since they'd moved seats in Physics, Mira has had to mentally prepare herself during the walk there.

Sure, it's not like she didn't know Cason beforehand, but she's getting too.. comfortable with him. Which scares her. Immensely.

She's just sat down, one of the first people there, and pulls out her notebook to scribble down some script ideas. It won't be long until she has a cameo for him somewhere in the play she's writing.

An involuntary heat rushes to her face when he walks into the room. 

Screw him. 

"Why are you so red today, Meerkat?" He turns in his chair to face her right after sitting down, his elbow resting on the top of her desk, blue wide eyes staring up at her. Someone, please help her. 


What the literal f-

-red. Fred Weasley. 

She opens her mouth to respond, probably looking like a fish out of water. 

It had only been a month and he's already putting her sanity at risk.

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