(he) XVI

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He doesn't know why he doesn't just go up to her and fix things.

He's not even sure what drove them apart.

But he just sits in the background, content.

Or at least he tries to be.

Ava's been really nice to him. They have things in common, and it's easy to talk to her.

He wants to believe it's not forced.

He doesn't see much of Mira, as soon as the bell rings she gets out of her seat and is usually the first out of the door. He just sees her brush past the door, and by the time he's out of the room, she's nowhere to be seen.

When he gets home, he grabs his phone to text Ava.

She shows up to his house around seven, and they both head to the theatre. She tells him all the details about how the play was written by a girl from thier school and how amazing it's supposed to be.

He listens numbly.

He opens the car doors on both sides and they walk in, and he almost doesn't realize that they're hands are intertwined.

Funnily enough, he doesn't stop it.

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