(she & he) XX

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After the show is over, she slips a letter into his locker, a wave of nostalgia hitting her swiftly.

She picks herself up and joins the makeshift cast party after that.

How ironic it is that she feels so alone surrounded by so many people.


He finds it after a week of confusion and hurt.

Dear Cason, Cas, Doorbell, whatever you prefer,

I didn't leave because of you. That's way too melodramatic for my taste. Though it does make things easier in a sense.

I got accepted into the fine arts school I told you about that one time.

Okay, enough of the stalling.

I'm still not sure what we are, no excuse me, were, but it was nice, for the time being.

I thought about it and I think I could have loved you, a lot. But we were finite, with a set ending and chance beginning. (I'm going to being dramatic bear with me)

But more so I want you to be happy, and I don't think that's with me.

I don't hate you or Ava.

I hear she makes the best chocolate chip cookies, actually.

And gosh. Jealousy gets tiring after a while.

I was waiting for rain that wouldn't come.

But you made me feel, Cas, and that's always going to be enough.

Please don't hate me.

p.s i'm keeping you sweater sorry. you can take my heart as payback.

did you hear that? I just cackled hysterically.

ok that was sad.

I'm going to go before I actually start to show emotion and cry or something stupid.



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