(she) V

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She doesn't believe in flimsy crushes and high school romances. Which is funny because she loves to read about them. Overall, she's a very contradicting person.

That's why when the prospect of feelings comes up, she shoves them in the deepest darkest corners of her being.

He's in front of the class presentating about something she can't pronounce, and he's doing an inexplicably good job.

His voice is the perfect proportion of low and gravelly to still sound lighthearted. He fumbles with his words at first, but soon he's got the whole class's attention.

It doesn' t help that he's somewhat aesthetically pleasing.

☂☂☂ extra

Who the heck gave him permission to doodle adorably on his notes. Certainly not Mira.

"Penguins, really?" she looks down at his physics notes and examines the minuscule bird type thing in the top corner.

"Why not?" He grins with sweet eyes.

"Plus, I spent the first eight years of my life trying to figure out how to raise a pet penguin in a three room apartment," he says with such a straight face that she's not sure if he's kidding or not.

"I ended up getting a fish."

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