Home Alone! Lucifer

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Status: Dating

The house was eerie still. Who would have thought one could hear the sound of a pin drop? You were still quite astonished it could get this peaceful. With all the antics and attention-seeking brothers, you were often left exhausted and sleep-deprived. Every time you went to take a nap or go to bed early it was always someone at the door, requesting –more like– demanding your presence. For once you actually finished your nap, waking up to a dimly lit room.

The amazement grew when your phone had zero messages! This was implausible, you must be under a spell right now. Not sure how long this was going to last, you started to use the moment to its fullest. Slipping out of bed, you did what you could, cleaning your room, doing your laundry to later finishing your homework. It was a really productive day. Homework completion was hard with them around. Do you know the number of times you've scrammed to complete it before the next period! Then Mammon would have the audacity to ask for your notes. You still gave it anyway...but still!

Sitting around the elongated table, you set your food adjacent, eating whatever snacks you could find as you scrolled through your D.D.D. Where could they be that they didn't invite you? Were you supposed to feel upset? Or grateful? Even Levi wasn't here, Levi! And he never leaves his room. What perfect timing, his fangirling service was needed elsewhere.

Staying put for a while, you cleaned the contents out of your plate. Eyes still glued to your phone, you set the dishes in the sink.

Unknown to you there was a scraping noise against the ground. A faint sound, it was distant, a few halls down from where you were.

Smiling to yourself you saw Asmodeus at a spa with a lot of friends. He uploaded a picture with a vain remark, swiping up you made a little comment after double-tapping his post. You knew how much he loved to read them especially yours. Sticking your phone in your pants pocket, you took two bottles of water with two bottles of juices to take back to your room. Gotta stay hydrated in this hot as hell. Before you could go any further there was a figure down at the end of the hall...It did not notice you, but you definitely noticed them...Your steps shrunk in size before coming to a complete stop.

Mouth, desert. Skin, rainforest. Heart, runner. Legs ice.

The figure took its time pacing, using that moment you started backing up, afraid to take your eyes off it. Were you going to make it out here alive? Meter shows a low chance, there is zero survival skills living down here. You were going to die and be sent to your grave. Their feet came to an abrupt stop, their head points up, inhaling a deeply. F u c k.

Cerberus slowly bowed your way, glowering to where you were standing. It was as if their coat were flames, the intensity of the anger now directed towards you. Its growl was worse than the sound of Beel's stomach, its claws were longer than Asmo's nails, fangs sharper than Levi's tail. Eyes raging like Satan's. It was time for you to R U N.

Dropping the items, you took off down the hallway. Despite not 'thinking', all you could imagine was its mouth tearing your limbs, pulling your flesh, bleeding out on the carpet floor. As a human girl and he a demon dog, it took no time for it to catch up. You heard it RIGHT behind you. Grabbing the handle of a door you tried to open it. Locked. If you stopped one more time you were going to be eradicated. Its bark choked fear in your lungs as you cried out from fright.

The next door you went to, was unlocked. Stumbling in, you fell inside, kicking the door closed before Cerberus slammed right into it. For a moment it was still. You stared at the door, your elbows propping you up. The only sounds heard were your heaving, eyes overflowing with water. The suspension was short-lived when Cerberus tore down the only protection you had.

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