High School AU-Pt.2

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I have no memory of falling asleep on the bus.And the embarrassing thing is I was sitting next to Nico.What's so embarrassing about that? I.Fell.Asleep.On.His.Shoulder.My gay heart cannot take that.Oh gods what the hell did I do?Well he doesn't seem to mind it.I felt a sense of hope rise up in my chest. I quickly piped it down and composed myself before quickly apollo-gizing to him.He said it was alright and I heaved a relieved sigh.Just in time,the bus stopped in front of my house. "I'm HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME ,mom!!"I screeched. "Hey Will.How was school?" I just shrugged and bolted to my room.I picked up my guitar and just played aimlessly.I couldn't get the bus incident out of my mind.I am so dumb.I couldn't think straight,haha you're so funny Will.My jokes keep getting horrible by the day.I just wanted to go and yell somewhere but music was a better outlet for my frustration.

~Le time skip to le school~

"When are you going to confess your undying love to Nico?" Kayla asked. "I'm not in love.It's just a crush.It'll go away in a few weeks.Besides aren't you supposed to be in orchestra right now?"I asked,annoyed. "I was,but my hopeless lover of a friend needs me more than the orchestra does." She retorted.I raised my hands in defeat. "Well I heard he was gay.You know Jason?The football hotshot.Percy's best friend.Yeah so I overheard him talking to Nico about him getting a guy who can treat him right.So I believe that you,lover boy,have a chance."I just stared at her,processing her words.I heard a locker slam,pulling me out of my trance.Nico was standing there,talking to Jason and his girlfriend,Piper.I felt a pang of jealousy even though Jason had a girlfriend.


Jason was talking to Piper while I stood there like an awkward third wheel.I was just looking across the hall at this certain tan,freckled blonde staring at me.I quickly looked away and felt a blush creep across my face.Great another straight guy leading me on.Just keep your distance.Jason seemed to notice this and just looked at me like Go get your mans.Well that's exactly I didn't do.I just put my earbuds in and kept walking.Suddenly,someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around.And guess who it was?Just my luck,it was Will.He was asking me something but I wasn't listening.I was too focussed on his face.He smirked at my obliviousness,clearly amused. "Hello?Earth to Nico?"He asked in that melodious voice of his.(Wow I need a relationship) "Yeah I'm here.I was just thinking about something."I said. "Was that something me?Cuz you seem to be quite interested in my face."At that I got flustered,and Will noticed. "You're cute when you're flustered."Will said simply.Yeah well maybe if you weren't so hot I could think properly. "Wait, you think I'm hot?Cool!"He said. "Did I say that out loud?"I can be so stupid sometimes. "As far as I know you did."Great now he knew I was gay.Another person who knew my secret."Well I should tell you something,I'm gay too."Will said.That...was unexpected. "Hold up.You're gay?Right that's why you always said no to Drew when she asked you out.And that's why you were kissing that guy.Oh wow."Shut up Nico,I chided myself.He then proceeded to wrap his arms around my neck.He was inches away from me.My heart was hammering against my ribcage.I couldn't take it anymore.I quickly closed the gap and his hands snaked to back of my neck.He was so warm and cozy.I wanted to stay like this forever.My hands went towards his hair wanting to be there for a long time.But breathlessness is a thing.I pulled away first,gasping for air. "Uhh"Real smooth Nico."That was just wow"Will said,red as a tomato. "Yeah I guess.So now what?"I asked,a bit dazed. "We'll figure that out later.For now we just focus on this."He gestured to our entwined fingers.

A/N:This was so fun to write!! I'm exploring new writing styles so tell me if you want anything(except smut,I don't do that).Sorry if it's too fast paced.Thanks for reading!

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