Someone To You

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Gods I am so excited today!It's my boyfriend,Ryan's, birthday today.I picked out a really special gift for him,a memory that we both share.But for now,I promised Nico that I would hang out with him.Nico's my best friend,since the war,we are inseparable.I developed feelings for him real quick,I mean he is hot.But I don't know if he's gay,he never really told me.

I knock on his door.No one answered.He's probably sleeping,so I decided to go in quietly. "Neeks,wake the hell up.We're supposed to hang out,otherwise I'm gonna go to Ryan's cabin."He stirred at the last part.He doesn't really like Ryan,bad vibes or whatever.

"What's the time?"He asked. "It's 11:33,Death Boy"

"Don't call me Death Boy."

"Whatever you say, Death Boy."

"Solace,say that once more,and that'll be the last thing you'll say."That shut me up effectively.He went towards the bathroom,yawning.He came out a few minutes later,looking more put together. "Hun,I know I'm gorgeous,but stop staring."He said smirking.I didn't realise I was staring,but either way I looked away.

~Time Skip~

"Okay I have to head out now,Ryan's birthday today"Nico looked as if he wanted to strangle someone.Knowing him,it probably was Ryan. "Sure whatever.Get me cake."He said dryly.I went out,shutting the door behind me. I quickly made my way to the Demeter cabin,sure enough I was greeted by the smiling face of my boyfriend. "Hey babe,Happy Birthday!"I said cheerfully. "Thanks!What's that?"He said gesturing to the box in my hand. "That's for you,but you'll get it later.Promise."With that we went inside.Today the cabin smelled like honeysuckle,a bit too strong. "So what were you doing before coming here?"

"I was hanging out with Nico.We were arguing about a book."Here it comes...

"Seriously?With Nico?You better not be cheating on me with that loser.I swear I will kill you."He gets really agitated whenever I mention Nico.


Great.Now I'm alone in my cabin.No Will,no light,no happiness.Just darkness,sadness and coldness.He was probably off making out with that jerk,Ryan.I hate him.He gives off bad vibes.

There was a knock on the door. "It's open"I called out. Will walked in,tears in his eyes. "Will what happened?Will you okay?"I was so scared right now.I've never seen him cry.He just plopped on the bed next to me.He buried his face in the crook of my neck.I carefully wrapped my arms around him. "Hey,it's going to be okay.We'll get through this.I'm here for you.I'm not gonna leave."He eventually calmed down and looked at me. "He cheated on me.Go ahead,say I told you so.He was kissing some random guy from the Hermes cabin."I was a bit taken aback,but relieved in a way. "Nah,I'm gonna save the I told you so for sometime else.For when you do something dumber."He smiled at that. "Can I stay the night here?I don't have the heart to face my siblings."I nodded and moved to the other bed. "Thanks Neeks."He said, wiping away his tears.


I felt the panic rising in my chest and suddenly I had difficulty in breathing.I was shaking and crying,not knowing what to do.It felt like my body was going to shut down any moment.That is until someone pulled me into a hug. "So tell me,Will what is your favourite food?" I answered it was chips,despite being a healer/doctor. He kept asking me questions until I was distracted.I slowly lay down,gesturing for him to lay down beside me.He hesitated a little but lay down anyway.I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.We're friends,just friends.

As I woke up,I noticed our legs were tangled together(That sounds so weird,ew).The thought of both of us together was amazing.I shrugged it off and carefully peeled my arms off of Nico.But he still stirred and woke up. "How are you feeling?"He asked quietly. "Much better,now that I slept next to you."I smirked, and he blushed.

We had gone for breakfast and I sat at the Hades cabin's table in front of Nico.Hopefully Chiron doesn't mind.I mean everyone flouted the mess hall rules.There were a lot of new campers these days,one of which made her way to the table.She turned to Nico and said, "I noticed you from across the hall.Who are you?"She was definitely Aphrodite's spawn. "For starters,I'm gay so you can bat your eyelashes away from here.And I can make your death look like an accident."She was clearly stunned but quickly scrambled away. "Wait,you're gay?You never told me!"Yes I have a shot now! I have to start planning what I have to do.Wait,I know what I'm gonna do,hopefully it works out.

~Time Skip to the day~

We were alone in Cabin 13.The tension was so thick,even Riptide couldn't cut through it.He slowly sat down next to me,looking me in the eyes. "Screw it." He muttered under his breath before quickly wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me.I quickly caught on,my hands on the nape of his neck.His hands made their way to my back,pulling me closer.After what seemed like hours,we pulled apart,panting. "That was..uhh..I can't even explain"I couldn't think.We were standing close enough that I could still feel his breath on my face.My hand cupped his face,my thumb tracing his lips. "I wish we could stay like this forever.You know,you're not too bad,Solace."He said,simply. "You aren't bad either,Death Boy."We stayed like that for some time taking in each other's presence.This was amazing,I didn't want this day to end.

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