Love You Sunshine

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Soulmate AU-


I was going to a new school today.This would be the 5th school of the year.My dad travels a lot,so we don't really have a stable house,we keep moving every few months.Anyway,I was going to Yancy Academy (A lot of people use Olympus High,but I think Yancy makes it complete).I pulled on a black t-shirt and jeans,like I do everyday.Hazel was telling me something about her soulmate.I wasn't really listening,cuz I knew it was all bullshit.I have no soulmate,I'm most likely dying lonely.

I trudged through the doors of the school.Hey.I flinched a little.I could hear my soulmate!That's not right.


So which school are you in?


Oh same.Wait a minute!

Holy shit. Can you deadpan while thinking?Because I did.

Well I have to go to class now,I'll see you later.


I reached class.The first class was Maths with Mrs.Dodds.I sat down in a corner,far from the crowd.A boy with blonde hair sat beside me.He was gorgeous.I caught myself staring.

Hmm,so I should let you know I'm a guy. My soulmate told me

I'm a guy too.

There are really pretty boys here at Yancy.Take Percy and Jason for example.But they've already met their soulmates.

Yeah,I guess.There's one sitting next to me.He's beautiful.

Don't fall for him,I'm the one meant for you.

The guy next to me laughed.I brushed it off.

Yeah right,like he's gay.

There's this boy sitting next to me,he's really attractive.I think I'm falling for him.


So tell me your attributes?

I wear black clothes,I guess you could call me emo.I have black hair.And my name's Nico di Angelo.

I like your name.I have blonde hair,a lot of freckles,I usually wear beach clothes.I want to be a doctor.And my name's Will Solace.

Solace,you seem very sunshiney,why are we paired together?

I honestly have no idea.

I caught the blonde boy looking at me.I didn't notice I was blushing.

Solace,this kid next to me seems really interested in me.He's just staring at me like I'm cute or whatever.

Well,he better know that you're mine.

Why don't you tell him?

Just then Dodds asked something."Will Solace,can you answer this?"Everything clicked.The kid next to me spoke up.(I'm not in high school,I have no idea what they teach there.)

Will,you there?

Yep,right here Sunshine.

The kid next to me is you.

Huh?I don't get it.

Look at the boy next to you.

I quickly scribbled the words "I'm Nico" on a piece of paper and showed it to the boy who was intently looking at me.I eyes widened in surprise.

Wait,you're the hot boy next to me?Awesome!And I get to spend my life with you?Even better.

Yeah,right.Meet me in the cafeteria in lunch.You'll probably see a emo goth kid hanging around at the secluded tables.(Absolute mood)


I cannot believe that this absolutely beautiful boy is my soulmate!I walk to the farthest table I can see,and sure enough Nico was there.He looked like he was drawing something.I quietly slipped in the empty space on the seat beside him.

"Hey Nico"He looked happy when he saw me.

"Hey Solace."

"You look like absolute death."I stated.

"Thanks.I try to go for that look everyday."I chuckled

"So what're you drawing?"

"Well,I have no idea either."

We talked for a lot of time before heading to class.Turns out,we have most of the classes together.

~Time Skip to a few months later~

Nico and I have become great friends.We know each other inside out.Today,I was going to ask him out.

Sunshine,you there?

Get out Solace,I'm sleeping.

Meet me at my house in an hour.I need to tell you something.

Ugh fine.Only because I love you.

Wait a second,Nico,You said you love me!

Uh yeah I did,get over it.

~Time skip to an hour later~

The bell rang.I ran to the door.

"Hey Nico"

"Sup Sunshine?"I blushed at the comment.

I grabbed his hand and took him up to my room.He was clearly amused by my behaviour.

"Sunshine,calm the hell down."

"How can I when there's a smoking hot boy in my room?"He blushed beet red.

"So,Death Boy,I needed to ask you something"I started.

"Go on."

"Okay great.I didn't know I'd make it this far without fainting.Anyway-"

He shut me up.

By kissing me.

Gods,I could live like this forever.I mean I do have to live with him till my soul dies.

"Was that what you wanted to say?"

"Uh huh."My brain was short circuiting.

"I've wanted to do that since day one."Nico confessed.I replied with something smart like "Uh"

~Time skip to graduation~


We were graduating today.So much happened in these years.I took Will to prom,he would buy me art supplies for my birthday,we would spend weekends together.I saw Will fidgeting with his tie.

"You'll be fine,Sunshine."(So poetic)

"I know,Death Boy.I'm just a bit emotional.I met you at the start of high school,and we're graduating now.A tear fell from his eyes.I hugged him.

"It's been the best years of my life,Sunshine.I love you beyond words can express."I was crying now.

Will wiped the tears from my face.

"Meet me after graduation at my house.We'll go somewhere.Only the both of us."I nodded.

~Time skip to them going to the place~

He took me to the beach(Cliche?Yes I know.Deal with it).

"I love you so much Nico."

"I love you too,Will."

A/N:That's a wrap!Thanks for reading this collection of oneshots!I honestly have no idea how to thank you for over 200 reads:)

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