Till Death Do Us Apart

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A/N:This one is great,cuz duh,I wrote it.I'm kidding,it probably isn't.


Will had asked me to meet him near the beach 10 minutes ago.Where was he?I sat down,remembering the day he told me he liked me.It was here,on this beach,7 years ago,the same day.It brought tears to my eyes,thinking about 7 years well spent with someone who loved me so much.He still didn't come after 10 minutes.

Suddenly,I felt someone's arms wrap around me from behind.I instantly knew who it was,and turned around to face him. "Will! Where were you?"He quickly sat beside me.

"I was in the infirmary,some new kid got hurt."He spent a lot of his time in the infirmary,I didn't mind it because he was helping people.And people deserved to be helped. "Oh.It's fine,you're here now."I kissed him on the cheek,while he pulled me into a hug.We watched the waves glimmer in the sunlight,which was slowly fading,casting pastel colours in the sky.We stayed like that for hours,and I could stay an eternity like this.

"Do you want food?I got some on my way to the beach."Will broke the silence. "Depends on whether you have spaghetti or not."he chuckled,pulling out a plate of spaghetti,covered with plastic wrap.He handed me the plate.As I was removing the plastic wrap,I noticed something written on it.It read Sunshine,if I had a drachma for every time you made me smile,I'd be rich.

I smiled like an idiot.He pulled out two forks and passed one to me.

~Time Skip to when they're done eating~

We were about to leave when Will suddenly stopped.I turned around to see what was going on.He was standing there,looking dead serious.Oh gods,what is happening right now?

"Nico,I have spent 7 years of my life with you,and they were the best years of my life.I could only hope for someone as good as you.But I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."My face fell.What did he mean by not wanting to be my boyfriend anymore?Was he breaking up with me?No,that's not possible.I didn't even realise I was crying.I could see tears in Will's eyes too.

"Nico di Angelo,will you marry me?"He got down on one knee,a ring box in his hand.I tried to process what just happened.I practically screamed. "Yes!"He slipped the ring on my finger.I kissed him.Both of us were in tears,because of what happened.

"I thought you were breaking up with me"my voice was barely above a whisper.


A/N:This was the sweetest story I've written.


Reyna or Nico?

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