Chapter One

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Snowstorm looked down at the ground. He and Moondrift were both standing right in front of the crowd of trees that they were about to enter. He sighed, worried that the demon might suddenly take control of him. If he hadn't been so lonely in the first place, he wouldn't have been stupid if he had at least ONE FRIEND.

But now he has Moondrift, the only dragon that was there for him, that stayed with him no matter what they faced. A dragon who truly ever cared for him. And he loved her for that.

She was the most beautiful dragon he'd ever seen, with her dazzling starry black scales shining back at him and that stunning smile that would last for an eternity.

"Are you alright?" She asked him, leaning in to see his face. "You don't seem as excited as you were when you requested this. So what's wrong? I won't go through your mind, I promise."

Snowstorm rapidly shook his head. "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. Now are we going inside the Rainforest or not?" He said affectionately. Moondrift nodded before they both walked through the trees and into a humid temperature.

It was much warmer than it was outside of the Rainforest. It was wet and moist everywhere; they could spot a grasshopper every now and then, leaping from large leaf to large leaf.

Dewdrops dripped from the leaves as small, strange little flying insects started buzzing around and collecting the dewdrops and taking them into the unknown.

A range of different flowers bloomed in between the vines that hang from tall, thick trees with wide leaves that covers most of the sky above like a canopy of nature. Snowstorm took the time to look around, but Moondrift just kept walking straight.

Two toucans swooped from the tree tops, they both cawed happily to each other and flew with synchronisation into a whirling spiral. There were colourful butterflies that fluttered by and around Snowstorm's head. He tried not to giggle but he saw that Moondrift could see him trying to resist.

"Ew," the hybrid groaned in disgust after she stepped on a large beetle. The only thing left of the creature was black goo and crushed shells. "This is gross, why are we here again?"

"You believe that the underground system beneath one of the kingdoms on this continent," Snowstorm reminded her, looking at the butterflies that flew away. "And you asked me which kingdom should we try first, so I chose this kingdom we're in right now."

"Well you made a GREAT choice," Moondrift said grumpily. "But I guess we better hurry up if we want to—"

Something shot right out of nowhere and it came straight for Moondrift. It was small and lightning fast, but Moondrift was fast too. She immediately caught it with two claws before the object shot through her forehead.

She growled when she saw it. "Blow dart,"

Her ears twitched. "And there's more. Duck!"

Snowstorm was about to yelp, but Moondrift had already pushed him to the ground. He covered himself with his wings and flung his whole body into a nearby bush.

Moondrift dodged the shooting blow darts. "Wait!" She cried. "We come in peace!"

"But I bet they don't!" Snowstorm wailed from the bush. "Can't you know...use your 'assassin skills' to kill whoever is out there?!"

"No!" Moondrift hissed. "I'm not that type of dragon anymore! I will only kill dragons if I really have no choice! Besides, they're RainWings I bet, and I don't think the queen would like me killing off her subjects!"

The blow darts stopped.

"Aaaand that's the last of them," said a voice. "I think she'll kill us if we're not camouflaged."

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