Chapter Seven

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So, it turns out that Moondrift is not only angry with Snowstorm, but appears that Darkstalker's conniving spell on her has made her angry at everything but that manipulative bastard (AA/N: I didn't want to add that last bit down, that was the publisher's request.) (P/N: Yeah right the author put hat in cause she wanted to use my catchphrase) That was what Snowstorm didn't want to happen, because once he accidentally came across her in the Rainforest, he may or may not have said the wrong thing and got his rear whooped by her quick talons.

"I said I was sorry!" He yelped after being pinned to the ground the same way Moondrift had done it to Spectral. He was completely immobilised a split second after he said his last word at her. If he tried to wriggle free, he would've broken a joint on his elbow, which he definitely didn't want. "Now can you please stop trying to kill me?"

But what if it isn't Moondrift at all? He wondered. What if it's actually Wither disguised as Moondrift. Maybe that's why she's been acting the way she was ever since Darkstalker came into the Rainforest.

"Yikes, you two must be intense enemies," came a voice that Snowstorm hadn't heard before, but felt like he had. "Well, lookie here! IceWing in the Rainforest! How...interesting."

A chill ran down Snowstorm's spine; still pinned by Moondrift, her grip loosened on him. Then she smiled warmly at Darkstalker, like he was her saviour, like he was her father that she'd loved all her heart. If she even has one left because of that son of a—

"You can let him go now," Darkstalker said calmly to her. "He seemed to be in quite the pain you've given him considering that fascinating move you've pulled off." He gave Snowstorm a suspicious look. "Moondrift,"

Right, Snowstorm grumbled, he can read thoughts too. How lovely due to the fact he could just destroy us all right now.

"Well, his mind seems quite pleasant," Darkstalker said, looking at Snowstorm intently. He turned back to Moondrift. "Who might he be to you?"

Moondrift hasn't let go of Snowstorm yet. "My boyfriend," she spat. Snowstorm wondered if she actually meant that as in the tone she just said it in. "And sorry, but I'm not—"

She pressed his elbow closer to his back, making him scream. "OOWWWW!"

"Letting go of him just yet," she continued calmly.

"Looks like your relationship is in order," Darkstalker laughed. "But it is nice to meet another mind reader, one who has more control over her powers. Someone who so much like me,"

Evil and manipulative? I hardly doubt Moondrift is like that, Snowstorm thought, receiving a sharp look from Darkstalker, and making the IceWing flinch, being pushed deeper into the ground by his own girlfriend.

"I am not evil," Darkstalker growled. "I never have been. Those two thousand year old NightWings were being too dramatic and decided to give up mind readers and seers just so there wouldn't be another one like me? Now THAT'S evil!"

He gave Moondrift a look, then she pressed Snowstorm head hard into the dirt that he was now covered in. Darkstalker looked at him for a second like Snowstorm was a low life inferior. The IceWing felt his mind being searched by him, so he tried to slam a thick wall of ice against his thoughts, hoping it would have been strong enough to block Darkstalker out.

I do have an overly powerful demon inside of me; I could use that to my advantage, Snowstorm figured. But he wasn't sure if he was able to block Darkstalker out after all and that he might have heard Snowstorm's thoughts just then.

Well, if you can hear me now, I don't care. Yeah, there's a demon inside me that I've contained for eight years and have surprisingly not killed myself yet. So don't go around like you own the place, because I might just be as strong as you are.

"Hmm," Darkstalker regraded thoughtfully to him, "you appear so quiet, sweet and polite on the outside; the dragon everyone sees as the loveable, agreeable one that just sits in the corner nodding at everything." He peered at Snowstorm more closely. The IceWing wrinkled his snout at him.

"But on the inside," Darkstalker continued, "you are this fierce IceWing...prince that nobody has ever met before. I can see that fire in your eyes, Snowstorm, and I can see your inner beast folding into your flesh and becoming one with you. But the question is," he tilted his head at Snowstorm, "can you become one with the beast?"

The IceWing hesitated, forgetting about how he was pinned down by Moondrift. He thought long and hard. He never took this kind of thing into consideration, like, how am I supposed to become 'one with the beast'? How does it even work like that? Can I control the beast myself and become it and take over it whenever I want! Having it's mighty power and strength?

"Oh yes," Darkstalker answered his thoughts. "But you could do more than that—"

"You're just manipulating me!" Snowstorm lashed his whole body and tried to struggle free, but Moondrift appeared to be stronger than he is. She kept him still, like she was his chains wrapped around him and he couldn't get out of it. "I'm not falling for your tricks the same way Moondrift has! How were you even able to do that to her?"

"Do what?" Darkstalker asked innocently.

"Put a spell on her!" Snowstorm cried. "I know what you're up to, don't think I'm even under your spell because I DON'T trust you at all. You've probably done this to everyone in the Rainforest."

"Well, you've just answered your own question," Darkstalker shrugged. "But I'm telling you, she's a feisty one to try and manipulate. She nearly didn't fall for it with such a strong willed mind like that. Though I can see," he glowered at the IceWing, "you've just out beaten her at that game."

"I don't care about that," Snowstorm hissed, now sweating. "If there was no demon in me, I would have been under your evil spell to like you and trust you. I'm just using this beast to my advantage."

"Oh yes, of course you are," Darkstalker replied. "But keep in mind, Ex-Prince Snowstorm of the IceWings, that beast will take over you if you don't take over it first, so I suggest you stay away from the moonlight and try not to kill everyone here if you still value your reputation..." he looked down at Moondrift, "...and your loved one."

Darkstalker turned around to walk away when Snowstorm stopped him.

"Wait," he called. "Please take the spell off of Moondrift. She's the only dragon I have left and you're just snatching her away from me just like that. I don't want to lose her like this."

The animus looked at him with no sympathy. "No,"

"But wouldn't you be evil if you denied me?" Snowstorm said. "To just take someone's loved one away from them and control their mind into doing what you want them to? Moondrift hasn't even done anything to you and neither have I, so why are you doing this to us?"

"Because," Darkstalker said, "I have felt the same way when Clearsight betrayed me. And now she's dead, and I never got the chance to even say goodbye to her."

"But vengeance isn't the right way to feel better about what has happened in the past," Snowstorm said. "To take someone a dragon loves away from them just so they could feel the pain you have suffered through, it's not right. They haven't done anything to you."

Darkstalker glared at him for a second. An evil spark in his eyes that made Snowstorm wonder if he should have said that to Darkstalker in the first place. Because someone needs to teach him, no matter how scared they are of him, there has to be a dragon who stands up to their fears and just be brave to do the right thing and tell him.

Yet Darkstalker didn't take Snowstorm's words into account. "We'll see," he muttered. "But I'm still not freeing her from my spell, she is of great use to me. With her quick wit and tremendous agility, she'll be my prized servant." He raised an eye at Snowstorm. "And she won't even feel the pain,"

"Because she has suffered so much she's used to it!" The IceWing cried. Darkstalker ignored him and waved one talon at Moondrift, who immediately let go of Snowstorm. He felt his bones crack as he stood up and tried to stretch. His face fell at the sight of Moondrift walking away from him with no regrets.

Soon, Snowstorm sighed sadly, she'll be taken away from my life.

Soon, I will be all alone again.

-1476 Words

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