Chapter Ten

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"S-Snowstorm," Moondrift said the next morning, waking him up with her voice sounding like she was just proven wrong and got angry about it. "Look what your demon did!" He felt his face being slapped to wake up.

Snowstorm opened his eyes and sat up, seeing Moondrift look so broken and feeling a stinging sensation in his arm. He was so confused. He was sitting in the center of dead bodies and pools of blood. He looked around and gasped. He then looked down at his own talons and worried that they might just spurt out evil again.

He saw Moondrift standing there, blood everywhere on her. 'This better be only a dream again,' Snowstorm thought. But it wasn't. She had scratches and battle wounds everywhere, he could even see her tally scars bleeding, dripping blood onto the floor.

"You almost killed everyone," Moondrift said quietly.

"T-that wasn't me!" Snowstorm argued, gasping at what he's done and feeling excruciatingly horrible for murdering all those now pale white RainWings. " was him again. It was a full moon, Moondrift, that's when he's the most powerful!"

"I know," she sighed. "But Glory won't understand, she'll arrest you, possibly send you back to the Ice Kingdom if you don't explain to her your problems," she wrinkled her snout. "But it really is depressing that Deathbringer survived you. Oh well."

"Glory can't know!" Snowstorm cried. "Telling her is for the worse, it'll put more dragons in danger of me! I'm going to be feared by everyone if this gets out!"

"I'm afraid it already has," she said, bowing her head as Queen Glory approached them, with SURPRISE SURPRISE Deathbringer beside her. "Your Majesty,"

"Queen Glory," Snowstorm said, standing up, "please, I didn't mean to—"

"Silence," the queen demanded. "You have no right to speak right now. Especially at what you've just caused to my kingdom, to my faithful subjects, and to my mind." Deathbringer started taking a few steps forward. "Snowstorm of the IceWings, you are under arrest for attempted genocide,"

Deathbringer leapt at the IceWing as he was immediately pinned to the ground at quick speed. He groaned, Moondrift darted at the NightWing and knocked him over.

"Don't arrest him!" She yelled. "This wasn't his fault!"

"Queen's orders!" Deathbringer hissed. He wore a black pouch around his neck and took something out of it; a silver disc with edges sharp enough to cut through scales. "And I saw what happened, he did this!"

He quickly threw a disc that was aimed for Snowstorm's neck and went flying so fast it could've killed Snowstorm in a heartbeat, but Moondrift had swiftly caught before it reached him. She chucked the disc on the ground, then Deathbringer seized her two talons.

Moondrift crossed her arms, then suddenly pulled her arms backwards, forcing Deathbringer to let go. She whipped his face with her claws as he leapt and grasped her throat. She punched his face and flipped backwards, kicking him in the snout and flicking her tail at him.

She landed on her talons as Snowstorm saw Glory looking like she was about to strike. Moondrift saw her coming and knocked Deathbringer into his queen, sending them both backwards.

"Come on," Moondrift panted heavily to Snowstorm after running to him. "We've got to tell them the truth about you—"

Deathbringer growled and stood up. "Do you really want to do this?" He challenged her. "Moondrift, you're fighting with the enemy right now. We should have never welcomed you here."

"I'll tell you this again, smug snout," Moondrift spat, "it wasn't Snowstorm. Now, do you really want me to kick your rear or will you stop being stupid and listen to us?"

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