~Chapter 4~

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When I woke up this morning, I got up, got dressed, and went straight to school, not caring if my brother got up.

"Today is the second day...I made a few friends...taught my brother a lesson.." I said laughing till I added the next thing "And met a few hot guys..."

As I was walking to school I noticed Garroth on the opposite side of the street with two other guys

"Oh dear..." I looked to the ground "Maybe it's not him...or maybe he won't recognize me because my head is down.."

But for some reason I looked back up and...

"(Y/N)!" Garroth said motioning the others to keep walking and walked towards me

"Hey Garroth, How was your day?" I asked flustered

"Well I pretty much just woke up" He laughed

"Oh right..haha"

"I was actually just about to text you..I enjoyed our talk yesterday" He said smiling

"Don't you have all these other girls who would rather you  talk to?" I stopped walking and when he noticed he stopped too "I mean your so..

"Charming? Handsome?" He asked with a smirk

He got up in my face still smirking, I felt his breathe against my face, for a sec I just stood there flustered but then I smiled and looked up at him saying

"Hehe..your so full of yourself" I said playfully pushing him and then continued walking past him

"You're just so fun to tease" He said laughing and trailing after me "Ah, that's another thing you and Aphmau have in common"

'Once again..he brought her up..does he like her?'

"You seem to compare us a lot" I said frowning "Do you like her?"

"Well..I.." He said blushing

He shook his head like he was trying to brush it off

"Why? Is someone jealous?" He smirked again asking me

"I barely know you...besides you seem like a total player" I tell him trying to hide my face

"Just because you barely know me doesn't mean you can't like me, I liked Aphmau even before I knew we had known each other as little kids" He stopped talking for a sec "Also what do you mean I'm a total player?"

"Well you-"

I stopped talking when we reached school

"Come on, we can still walk to class together, just tell me"

"Garroth, I'm sorry,but even if I did like you, I feel like I would just get  stabbed in the heart" I said looking back at him

I then ran into the school on my way to homeroom

'What did I just do?'

I walked into class spotting Kacey and heading to my seat

"You look flustered" I smirked "Did something happen?"

"N-NO" he said more flustered "Why do you have to sneak up on me like that?"

"I didn't mean to...I guess I'm just not myself today is all" I blush and look away thinking about what happened with Garroth

He noticed but before he could ask, homeroom started. When homeroom ended I said goodbye to Kacey and headed out

"hmm my first class is..." I look at my first class and groan "Art..I'm terrible at art..."

I run down the halls trying to find art class when I finally come to a stop and see the class im standing in front of

"Creative Writing..." I look inside and see Laurence, Garroth, and Aphmau all talking in class 

I look at the floor

"I'm sorry Garroth..." I look back up at them "But you just make me so uncomfortable for some reason"

The bell rings for class

"OH NO! I GOTTA GO!" I continue running until it's 10 minutes after class started and I finally found it, I run inside "I'm so sorry, I should have asked for directions but nobody was around"

"It's ok, just take a seat and please draw this painting on the wall with a little bit of your own twist" 

He points to a painting of two bunnies..one is larger then the other with an over protective aura...the other one is looking away from the over protective bunny with it's eyes close and it's paw on it's face like it's pushing the bunny away.  I look at it for a second with my mouth open and then shake it off and sit down. I start drawing the protective bunny but I color it with blonde fur and blue eyes and small blue markings on it, I draw the other bunny with (F/C) markings

"Ok! Pencils and pastels down class! I want them on my desk and have a good evening" The teacher says

I take a picture of my drawing with my phone and put it on his desk and walk out

"It's only my first class and things are already pretty crazy" I said looking at the picture

I put my phone in my back pocket and look at my schedule 

"Math class...of all the subjects!"

I rush to find my way there, this time I make it on time

After class I walk out and look at my schedule


"Huh?" I look up from my schedule and see Garroth behind the corner

I growl "Seriously?" I walk over there

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