~Chapter 6~

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|Fast forward to the weekend|

I slept in till noon on Ssaturday when I woke up I realized I made it through a whole week of highschool!

"Geez it's been a long first week..atleast today I get to chillax" I say to myself as I get ready for the day

I put on a t-shirt and some shorts and puled my hair back into a bun

I texted Garroth:

"Hey you ready?"

We've been hanging out a lot at school and decided to go to the coffee shop one block away from my house

I get a text a minute later:

"Ye I'm already there"

'Oh shoot I'm late!'

I stuffed my feet into some converse and raced to the coffee shop

When I got there I was out of breathe and kinda sweaty but I spotted him at a table and sat down

"Geez, you look exhausted" Garroth laughed

"Well I may have forgotten to set an alarm" I pant

"Actually I did that same, I was relieved I hadn't already gotten a text when I woke up but" Garroth stopped for a sec "then I realized you might still have already been there"

I laugh

"Well you were wrong" I laugh in his face "Well how about we order something

"Right" Garroth said "I was waiting for you to get here"

We got up to get in line and continued chatting, we got our coffee and headed out to the park

"Y'know it's been fun having you in the group" Garroth said

"In the group?" I thought for a sec

'ah right, I've been hanging with Aphmau and them all, I was introduced to Teony and Kawaii~Chan and ever since I've been hanging with them all during free time'

"Ye, I'm suprised you decided to hang with me during your first weekend instead of me" Garroth said with a frown

"No way, plus Aphmau, Teony, and Katelyn all said they would be going to the park to teach Kacey a thing or two about soccer" 

"I see" Garroth well knew that Aphmau and Katelyn were great at soccer

"We'll probably see them today"

I continued sipping my coffee

Laurence walks up to us and we stop to greet him

"Hey Laurence!" I say

"Hey guys, what are you up to today?" He asks

"Oh just grabbed coffee and heading to the park" 

"Oh can I join?"


"Sure.." I hear Garroth grumble

"You ok Garroth?" I look up at him

"Oh ye totally!" His voice get's a little pitchy

Laurence joins by my other side and we all chat till we get to the park

"Oh there's the girls! and Kacey!" I say waving at them

Aphmau is helping Kacey and Teony and Katelyn are sitting aside talking

"Let's go talk to Teony and Katelyn!" I start walking over there but something or someone I should say catched my shoulder

I look behind me and see Garroth holding my shoulder

"Garroth...?"I question him

"(Y/N)! I uhhh...I'm kinda in a fight with Katelyn..I don't think it's a good idea for us to go over there, y'know how Katelyn can be.." Garroth said

"You are? I though you guys talked about the whole-" Laurence started to say but Garroth elbows him in the gut

"I see..well we can just hang somewhere else" I head towards the bridge

When we get to the bridge I Iean on the sides, and look at the water chatting with the guys

"What do you like to do for fun Laurence?" I ask

"Y'know I play some video games and I'm the captain of the soccer team" Laurence says

"That's awesome, I'm kind of an athlete myself" I say

"You are?" They both asked

"I didn't take you for a sports person" Garroth says

"Ye, I was thinking of joining the Volleyball team since I haven't gotten any word on the Witchcraft club" 

"Witchcraft club always starts late, a lot of ingredients for potions are hard to get I guess so it takes a bit" Laurence says

"I guess"

"Who do we have here?" I hear a voice say

A guy with black hair, blue eyes, and a skull face shirt on comes out from under the bridge with a girl and a guy I think I've seen around school behind him

"It's that freshmen girl we've seen that hangs around Kitty" The guy behind the first says

"Ah" The skull shirt guy examines me "Your right Sasha..she does kinda look like Aphmau

"I told you" The girl said

"What in Irene is going on?" I ask

"Garroth, Laurence, I see you have properly introduced the shadow knights to her" Skull dude says "For shame"

"Who would wanna speak of you guys?" Laurence asks

"And stop examining her" Garroth says 

The skull faced guy stops in front of me and sticks out his hand

"Well I'm Gene, and this is my gang, Sasha and Zenix, the Shadow Knights"

I awkwardly take his hand to shake it

"I'm (Y/N) I guess" I say

"You guess?" Gene asks

"Ye...This just came out of nowhere and.."

"She doesn't want anything to do with you Gene" Garroth says put his arms around me from behind

I get flustered and cross my arms

"Agreed" We here and voice behind us and see Aphmau

"Aphmau!" Laurence says

"I suggest you stay far away from him (Y/N) and stay away from this bridge when you can" Aphmau tells me

"I don't understand" I say

"You don't need to" Garroth takes my hand and walks away from everyone "Cya later guys"

We hear a faint "Cya" from Aphmau and Laurence before we get too far

"Garroth? GARROTH!" I say trying to get his attention "What was that about?"

He stop running and lets go of my hand

"Sorry I just don't want you to get mixed into the wrong crowd" He says

"Listen we literally just met this wees and your already bossing me around?" I ask

"I didn't mean that I-" He starts to say

"I know my crowd Garroth, I'm not stupid, I know what kind of guys they are, I'm not gonna get involved with them"

"I'm sorry..it came out the wrong way..I just didn't wanna lose you" He says

"It's fine..I'm going home..." I walk home and don't bother getting ready for bed or eating dinner that night, I was tired

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