~Chapter 18~

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On Sunday after I was still thinking about what happened at the bowling alley but I decided it was for the best

I and Garroth got in so many fights that it wasn't even a friendship

It's been a week since then we haven't talked at all, instead, I've been hanging with the people I haven't  been able to as often 

When I got to school on Monday I felt good! Like nothing can ruin my mood!

(I don't mean the Monday right after, I mean the next Monday)

I walked into the school and immediately went to homeroom as usual

"Hey (Y/N)!" Kacey says

"Hey Kac! Nice to see you!" I perk

"You look happy! Did something happen?"

"No! I'm just glad I don't have any drama in my life right now!" I say

"Oh! Drama?" Kacey questions

"Ye, it's been a long year"

"Well I wish you would have talked to me about it, I would love to help"

"Thanks but everything is under control!" 

"Well I'll be here if anything else comes around"

I smile brighter

I hear glass break a few classrooms down

"What was that?" Kacey asks

"I'm not sure but I'm gonna find out" I grab my bag and run out of the classroom trying to listen for voices

I notice Dotty, Rylan, Daniel, and Ein looking through a window of a classroom

'This must be the place'

I run into the classroom but before I could get further in there was a red-haired male werewolf with different colored eyes, right was green and left was blue, with his shirt off

"uh" I bite my lip and blush

"I think you work out very well but strength isn't all that matters.." Aphmau stutters

I heard murmurs from the werewolves outside

"What's going on?" I ask

"I'd like to know the same thing" Mr.Gavin steps in

"Oh Hey Mr.Gavin!" The red-haired werewolf says

"Blaaaaaze" Mr.Gavin says "You're flexing all wrong"

"You gotta do it like this!" Mr.Gavin takes his shirt off and flexes

Aphmau, Blaze, and I all scream in horror and runoff

We stop when we're a few feet down the hallways

"Sorry guys I didn't know you were busy with something," I say blushing and looking at Blaze who still has his shirt off

"It's ok..I was just interviewing Blaze for alpha" Aphmau says "Also..do werewolves have a thing where they rip their shirts off?"

"I mean..we don't wear clothes with our werewolf form so.." Blaze says

I continue to stare at the pack of abs in front of me

"Ok...I get it.." Aphmau says "Are you really interested in becoming alpha Blaze?"

"Absolutely," Blaze says

Blaze kneels and takes Aphmau's hands and says-

"I will make a great Alpha"

"Ok..I should wait around for the other guys to come and-" Aphmau blushes

"Oh, they won't be coming" Dotty interrupts with Daniel and Rylan

"Huh?" Aphmau turns around

"Uhhh we didn't put up all the posters" Rylan says

"WHAT?" Aphmau asks

"Well...you see we were putting up posters..but then we realized they would be more fun to shred"

Daniel does onto telling the story while I'm still staring in awe at Blaze

"Are you ok?" Blaze asks me

"Ye..I just.."

"Can't take your eyes off of me?" Blaze flexes which make me blush

"Well...you are cute..and have a nice set of abs.." I say

Blaze laughs

"Blaze! I need you to do something for me!" Aphmau turns back to us

"Anything!" Blaze says

"Tomorrow, I need you to grab all the other potential Alpha's and bring them to the auditorium," Aphmau says "I'm gonna interview them all in one place"

"but- but-" Blaze stutters, obviously sure he would have won

"Please?" Aphmau does puppy dog eyes

Blaze thinks for a moment and says-

"Awe, fine!" Blaze continues "But I won't like it"

"Perfect! Thank you so much!" Aphmau says "Now let's get out of here before Mr.Gavin comes out"

We all run off to our next class

I walk with Blaze who still had his shirt off while the rest walk in a big group

"Aren't you in my werewolf class?" Blaze asks me

"Oh ye, I am," I say

"It's nice to talk to you, it's odd that there is another human in our class though"

"Right...I forgot Aphmau and Aaron were in werewolf class too" I say

"Aren't you a freshman?" Blaze asks

"Ye but I became friends with Aphmau very quick and she told me their story"

"I see"

Blaze sniffs me which makes me blush since I'm as tall as Aphmau and his abs were right there...

"Hey..can you put your shirt back on?" I ask

"Sure" Blaze laughs while putting on his shirt "You smell like a werewolf though,"

"Must be from my brother Ein"

"He has an Omega smell to him, but you have an interesting smell"

"Omega's have a certain smell?" 

"Or it could be your brother's toxic smell"

That makes me snicker

"You have a cute laugh," Blaze says

"Thanks..." I blush as we stop in front of my first class "Huh? I didn't even know we were heading here"

"Well I just followed you since I figured you were going to class and I wanted to walk you"

"Thanks, I'll cya later Blaze" I say as I enter the classroom

"Cya!" I hear behind me

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