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(As I promised here you go:D)

Alex's Pov:


Zach:Do you need something..Jaxx

Jaxx:Nice to see you again..and Alex

Drake:Who the hell is this fucker?

Jaxx:Don't call me that

As we all saw that jerk grab Jade from her neck..she couldn't do anything he's to strong for her..so she just froze.

Drake:Motherfucker DONT TOUCH MY JADE!!

As we all saw Drake getting Jaxx from his shirt..Jaxx letted go of Jade and dropped her right into the ground.Me and Charli went to her and helped her get up..

Zach:I see you still love making girls feel pain..now we'll show you the same.

As the 3 guys started kicking Jaxx it was just..terrifying,2 of them got back and Drake punched him so hard in the face that blood just kept coming from his nose and mouth.



Jade looked so shook after we heard him yell at her..poor Jade she's just..scared of these type of things.

Light:That's enough Drake let's go..


Zach:Let's go just leave this piece of trash here..

As we all walked away we decided to go to this corner store to buy snacks.

Jaxx Pov:
This isn't over yet.

Drake's Pov:
While the others were inside the store,I took Jade into a corner and well I had to apologized for scaring her like that..

Drake:Jade..i'm sorry I didn't mean to it's just that b-

Jade:I-It's ok Drake like you said once things happen

Drake:If I give you a kiss can you smile?

Jade:I mean..

As I leaned over a little I gave Jade a small peck in the lips and after that we just hugged for a bit till the rest of the squad were done.

Alex's Pov:
We all were getting slushies,candy's,chips and all the junk food that was there.The cashier was looking at us like if we were crazy but that's just how teens are..right?

Zach:Hey princess can you get me those starburst


Zach:Because you are the " star" to my eyes~
(stolen from google;))

Alex:That was..cringe just no Zach

When we went to the cash register we were saying who was going to pay and Light decided he should pay.

Cashier:That will be $57.64

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