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'I'm at my apartment. Don't come, I'm sick.'

It's my boyfriend message to me. What? He's sick? I packed my things so I can buy him some meds. As I entered the mall, I saw some familiar faces.

"K-kurt?" He seems to be surprised at my sudden appearance. I thought he's-. I looked at the girl beside her. It's her girl best friend.  I shot them a confused look.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I should be the one to ask that. " I chuckled. "I thought you're sick? Are you playing prank on me? It won't work."

"Kurt and I are together for almost 6 months. What is wrong with having a date with "my" boyfriend." His girl bestfriend said, emphasizing the "my".  "Who are you by the way?"

"You're mistaken." I made a dismissing gesture.
"Im his girlfriend." I jerked my thumb to Kurt who looks paler than usual.

"Oh. You're wrong. That's impossible. Right Kurt?"

"Uh." The time feels like forever. My heart keeps beating faster.

"Oh,i s-see, sorry. I'll go now. E-enjoy!" Every words seems to be struck in my throat. It's my cue to leave but Kurt stopped me by grabbing me in shoulder.

"W-wait let me explain." He's frustrated, I can feel it. The girl started to throw curious stares at us.

"Kurt? What's the meaning of this? I am your girlfriend right?" He looked at the girl. Must be really hard for him. Sailing in two different rivers.

Chuckling she said. "Oh. I know,you won't cheat."  Then she looked at me. 

"I-it's hard for me to c-choose." He said, sighing.

"Choose her." I said then smiled bitterly.

"W-what?" He look confused. The girl smirked, probably thinking that she won.

"Because if you really love me,then it's me. There will be no other choice."

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