A day to remember

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The next day...

The following day, the sun was shining through the window and from outside birds could be heard singing their beautiful usual melodies. Despite the whole situation, the nature was still able to lift their spirits with its own unique way.

Monty was still asleep on winston's bed. For the very first time, he would wake up in peace and without the fear of being beaten or abused by his own dad. After some moments, he opened his eyes and realised that he wasn't sleeping in his bed. He was confused but soon he remember the events from the previous day.

He turned to the side where winston was sleeping. He tried to move his hand towards his head through his hair very carefully. Then, he saw winston's eyes opening and pulled away. Goodmorning winston looked with eyes full of affection at monty. Let me get up first and i will make you breakfast. As winston was getting up from the bed, monty's hand grabbed winston's. Its not necessary. Really. Stay for a while. Monty told winston. Yeah ? Ok i think i can stay a little longer.

Winston laid back to his bed, with monty by his side and tried to enjoy each other's company in silence. Some time later, winston could feel monty's hand in his. He was trying to interwine his fingers with his ,slowly. Winston gave a soft smile and soon they were holdimg hands. He could feel that monty was still aftaid and unsure with this step, but he made it anyway.

A while later, still in bedroom with their breakfast this time, monty and winston were sitting there quietly, that akward but at the same time peaceful silence was broken by winston's words. I know you dont want to talk about it but i need to say i am sorry about your dad. Now that he's gone it must be hard for the three of you to handle the situation. Monty's smile turned into a simple sad grin. I have been through worse...we have been through worse..we will survive...we always do...and i ll be damned if we didn't. Winston gave monty a complicated and worried look, trying to believe monty's words. But it was not that simple. When it ever was anyway? No matter how hard he wanted or no matter how hard he tried...he couldnt believe monty's words.

Enough chit chat. I say we take it to bed shall we? It our day off. We deserve to have some fun. Monty looked into winston's eyes with lust and hope. Lets go winston responded in excitment. Lets make it a day to remember for you.

Monty noded in agreement. They went up back to their room. We will spend the whole day here huh? Winston looked at monty with his one eybrow raised. Mmm...monty tried to say his next word, when all of the sudden, his cell phone rang. what now? its estela. Monty wanted so bad to hang it up, but winston encouraged him to pick it up.

Hello? He answered unwillingly to diego's phone. Monty? Where the hell are you? Are you okay? Why arent you at school? Estela's voice was not  calm and you could sense that something is wrong. I was just not in the mood. Did something happen? There was no answer for a while from the other line. Then he could hear his sister's voice again.

Monty...it is diego. He got in a huge fight in school. It didnt end well. He lost his conciousness but we called an ambulance just in case he wont wake up. Monty tried to process everything estela just told him.. I am on my way. And just like that, he hang it up. I gotta go now. Before winston could ask him what was going on, he had already disappeared. He had already got out of the door and was heading to his car. Until winston went down to find him, he was already gone.

That was our 7th chapter. More chapters coming. See you all for our 8th for more twists.

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