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The pain was too much, it was as if his body was torn and mneded. At the same time.

"What the fuck is this?"

[That is your body being reconstructed]

"Fuck you Dumbledore, you don't have anathesia or what"
Michael was pissed off at how Dumbledore neglected to inform him that he would face such pain.

[Don't close your eyes, if you do so, you will succumb to the darkness and become fucked up like Lucifer]
Dumbledore warned him.

"I regret meeting you, uwaaaaa uwaaaa"
Michael burst into tears.

After some time, the pain started to recede and soon it was gone.
He checked his body and was surprised to see that it was well toned. He rose to check himself out in the mirror and when he saw himself in the mirror, he was astonished.
If the former Michael was a handsome guy, the person that was staring back at him in the mirror would be a model.

His skin was fairer, smooth. His hair colour was no longer black but was blonde. His eyes were ocean colour.

Anyone that saw the current Michael would be mesmerized by the handsome Prince.

[That's not all, check out your wings]

"How do I do that?"
The Excited Michael asked.

[Send a signal to your brain, control it to shrug your shoulder, do it gently, since it's your first time, it's going to be painful]

"Why do you say it as as if I'm about to have anal sex?"
Michael asked


[Just do the goddamn thing]
Dumbledore growled at him

"Okay okay"
Michael muttered

"What the fuck!"
He shouted in pain as the wings unfurled.

[Oh my God!
It's so beautiful]

He heard Dumbledore say, then he stared at the wings, the were indeed beautiful, the were blue with White spots on it, he flapped it

He had forgotten that he was inside his room, the wings had hit the room walls.

{I have to try it out} he thought.

5 minutes later, he was dressed up.
He stepped out of his room, he went his father's room but stopped at the entrance then went back.

"Jay and garrick!"
He shouted out to his guards.

Jay was still telling garrick that something was wrong with Michael for the last few days. Then they heard of his call

"Speak of the devil"

They quickly ran to the Prince's room and was about to answer him when they were stunned.

Those ocean eyes attracted anyone that saw it. They woke up from the Illusion.
{Never knew prince Michael was so hot} garrick thought in his mind.

"Ok guys, dad is calling you. You might want to go answer him quick before sneak peeks at me"
Michael told them once he saw that they were still standing before him.

They apologized and left grudgingly as if they were a baby that has been denied it's candy.

Michael once he saw the road was clear, ran out of his father's mansion.
He snuck around so that no one would see him.

He arrived at the fields outside of the kingdom.

[Start doing it! I have been waiting long ago for this]

Michael grinned and then concentrated, then the wings unfurled. It added a touch of divinity to Michael, with his handsomeness it made him look like a Messiah that have come to save humanity.

He then put on the mask, at least it was one of the things that was not destroyed along side with the system.

[Flap the wings gently,not physically but mentally]

Michael did so, the wings started to flap
"I got it"

[Feel the air around you, let your wings associate with them, now use the air to propel yourself]

As Michael was carrying out the instructions, he started flying gently, when he noticed he was high in the sky, he started plummeting down to the ground.

[Get a hold of yourself, your wings are not attached to you physically but mentally, so I need you to relax!]
Dumbledore didn't want his young apprentice to turn to red splat on the floor.

Michael calm down, he stabilized his thoughts and noticed that he was no longer falling.
He flew around gently for some time then he got the hang of the whole thing
"All I need to do is to just feel the wind and fly with it"
He said to himself.

And off he flew, screaming in joy.
For the first time in his life, he felt peace as he felt the wind hit his cheeks softly.

Since his body was now that of an angel's, he used his long sight to see that jay and garrick was searching for him.

He flew down and withdrawed the wings immediately. He sat down by the lake, until jay and garrick found him.

"You are so in big trouble"
He said to himself once he saw the grim looks on the guards faces 

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