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~Maxi's Point of view~

This one day I woke up, just to see, that I had this weird dream again. I dreamed about what would happen, if my favorite YouTuber come and visit Bonn, the former capital of Germany. And that their car engine is broken so they had to stop in front of my house.

But I think at first I should tell you something about me. So... I'm Maximilia, short Maxi, I'm 23 years old and I live in Bonn, Germany. My favorite YouTubers are Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla from Smosh. And my biggest dream is to live in America one day. I'm a Smosh fan since I'm 15 years old. My favorite Smosh video is "PARANORMAL EASY BAKE OVEN!".

I've shoulder long light brown hair, gray blue eyes and I'm 1.70 m tall. I think I got a quite normal body (not too thick and not too skinny). I've got not so many friends, because the I'm not a typical girl. I like it more to do "boy stuff" (e.g. do technical stuff or playing video games). I always had problems to find girls with the same interest. During school time I had more boys as friends than girls.

My hobbies are of course watching Smosh videos, reading, playing video games (e.g. Pokémon, Super Mario) and I love technical stuff. My BFF Alexandra, short Alex, has so much in common with me. We both like the same things. But there is a little difference between us. She likes Anthony more than Ian and I think Ian is better.

And I live together wit Alex. That was everything about me.


Authors Note

Hey Funfreaks !! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new book. If so let me know in the comments ^^

Have Fun and Smile every time

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