Chapter 21 - Day before the dance 🕺

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Katara point of view

It was the day before the dance and I was sitting in my history class.
(The class I had before math)
it was pretty boring because I didn't have any of my friends in that class. After the history, I was walking to math and I heard Sokka and Toph talking in an empty hallway, I decided to check it out because I haven't seen them talk to each other in a while. When I went up to them Toph just quickly left and walked away to math class.

(even though we had 5 minutes before math started )

I looked at Sokka trying to figure out what just happened, but he just walked away as well. I was very confused because

1 - They've been friends senses middle school
2 - They never fought before, EVER
So I decided to ask Aang if he knew anything

but according to him, their friendship was normal. But for some reason, I didn't let this go and I wanted to figure out what it was about, But I did let it do for today because it was the day before the dance.

Toph point of view
It was the day before the dance and I just came out of my chemistry class. As I was walking
Sokka grabbed my arm and pulled me to an empty hallway.

Toph - Uggg let me go, I'm leaving

Sokka - Toph please stop Just relax for a sec
Sokka - I need to talk to you

Toph - *Nothing*

*I started to walk away but of course he pulled me back to the empty hallway*
Sokka - I'm seriously Toph
Sokka - And this time You need to listen

Toph - Alright fine then meathead
Toph - Make it quick I need to go to math

Sokka - Alright fine then
Sokka - Toph I so sorry about everything, I want to apologize for me never breaking up with Suki. And asking her to the dance. I wish-

*I cut of Sokka because I knew what he was saying*
Toph - "I could tell you but I can't"
Toph - That's the thing Sokka you can't tell me, If we are supposed to be dating we need to tell each other stuff and not date other girls.
Sokka - I know Toph and I'm sorry let-

*I cut him off again*

Toph - Shut up Someone is coming

Once I heard Katara's voice I knew she was about to ask some questions and I wasn't in the mood. So I just left the second she came, I we to math and my other class. At lunch, I could tell Sokka wanted to talk to me again but I didn't want to hear it, He played me before at the Halloween party and he played me at thanksgiving. I'm not going to let him play me again, Every time he tried to talk to me I would always just walk away or just earth bends a small stub on the ground causing him to trip. I didn't care what he had to say, I just wanted to get away from him before he broke my heart again.
The night before the dance I was over at Katara's house and we hung out watching movies and eating ice cream, Soda, fruit, chocolate-covered fruit. It was great and I had a lot of fun. I and Katara slept in her room, I slept on the floor of course, and in the middle of the night, I went to use the bathroom. Once I got out of the bathroom I was pulled in by Sokka's room, I was caught off guard so I earth bent him straight to the ground causing a loud "Thump".
Sokka then got of the group and closed the door, I was so confused about what was going on

Sokka - shhhhhhhh

Top - Why are you telling me to "Shhhh"
Toph - You are the one who pulled me in here

Sokka - I know, It's because We need to talk
Sokka - Every time I try talking to you, You just walk away and I need to talk to you. So That's why I pulled you in here

Toph - NO I'm not talking to you Sokka
Toph - Because whatever little game your playing I'm done with it

Sokka - What game Toph?

Toph - You making me fall for you and making me think you care about me. But yet you are still dating a girl that you " Don't like".

Toph - Then you say you will break up with Suki and later ask her to the winter dance.
And you always say how you can't tell me stuff and it's to protector me. Well, guess what you mother fucker I DONT NEED ANY PROTECTION !.

Toph - So no I don't want to talk to you
Toph - Cause I don't care about what you are going to say

Sokka - Toph please listen to me

Sokka went up to me and tried to put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly grabbed it and twisted it the other way causing him to yell in pain quietly. I opened the door and went back to sleep, The next day I didn't talk to Sokka at all and I didn't want to.

I was done with him But yet before math class, I ran into the bathroom crying about him. I hated him and never wanted to see him again cause he hurt me, But I also still wanted him to love me like he said he did. I was so confused and sad but I made sure no one saw that, No one could see me being vulnerable.
After school I went over to Katara's house to get ready, Suki showed up and took Sokka to the dance. I and Katara got a ride from Aang and Gaysto, It was a nice cool evening. But I had no idea what was going to happen at this dance. So did everyone else

𝑨𝒕𝒍𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 - 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗸𝗮Where stories live. Discover now