Asami Sato

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        Korra starred, with her WTF face when she realized it was the raven haired women who split up the fight at the gym and also spilt her drink on her favorite shirt.

    “Korra,” Mako said bringing her back to reality, “This is Asami Sato, my tutor.”

    “Yo- you’re the chick who spilt my smoothie on my favorite shirt,” she stuttered.

 Asami stared dumbfounded, not knowing what Korra was talking about.  Before she could say something in return, Bolin quickly cut in.

    “I knew she was pretty, Korra!” he exclaimed teasing her once again.  She flushed, her cheeks turning a cute shade of red before she swiftly punched Bolin in the arm, harder than last time.

    After their quarrel, Asami came to terms with what Korra had said about the spill. She remembered it was her she ran into the other morning.

    “Hey, Korra, I feel really bad about the other morning, how about lunch is on me?” Korra didn’t like the thought of her paying for their lunch because it was her idea anyways.  She wasn’t going to let the other girl just walk in and pay for it.

    “No, it’s fine I can pay,” she told her more stern than her usual voice, but Asami was not one to back down; furthermore, she kept insisting upon paying. They argued about it for what felt like an hour to the two brothers till Asami finally won.

    Korra blew a piece of hair out of her face exasperated that she lost the argument.  After a few moments of an awkward silence she excused herself to the bathroom.

    “Who does she think she is? Walking around like she owns the place,” Korra said to her reflection trying to make mean faces imitating Asami.  “Look at me I’m rich and own everything.” After letting the steam out she returned back to the table eyeing Asami like she was one of her college exams.

    After talking and eating, Korra learns that Asami is also a junior like them, and that her father is Hiroshi Sato, inventor of the a bunch of phones, tablets, and stuff.  Korra tried to look as unimpressed as possible because she wanted Asami to know she wasn’t really fond of her.  

    Really at this point the only thing Korra liked about Asami was that she was helping Mako so he could fight in next week’s fight, and that she was able to stop the fight at the gym the other day, but other than that, Korra didn’t like the other women at all.

    “Well guys, I gotta go to work,” Mako said as he got up ready to leave. “ Thanks for lunch Asami.”  Bolin sat awkwardly looking at both women, when he quickly made up an excuse to leave the two of them alone.

    Korra looked over at the other woman awkwardly. “Soooooo…” she scratched the back of her head. She did this often when she was nervous.  

    “ Well I was wondering…” Asami paused, “if you might want to spar or something cause your on the team and everything and u might want to practice,” she looked a bit embarrassed from what she suggested, but Korra agreed after thinking about it.


    “So do you want to warm up first or-”

    “I think I’ll just warm up with one of those guys,” she said pointing to a group of really buff guys.  Korra looked bewildered at the suggestion, but she soon covered it up with a shrug.  She watched as Asami swiftly went over to the group and picked one to spar with. After what looked like Asami choosing one, the group laughed, but she had a determined look on her face.

    They entered the ring, and Korra looked from the sideline, anxious; besides the fact that Asami got her favorite shirt dirty, she still didn’t want to see her get pummeled.

    The bell rang signalling the start of the fight.  Korra got prepared to spring into the ring at a moments notice, but when she expected the other women to be knocked out, Asami quickly dodged the first punch and hit back with a series of jabs. This caused Korra to look at the other women in astonishment; moreover, she cheered very loudly for her.  So loud in fact people looked at her like she was crazy, and upon noticing this she quickly covered it up with a few coughs.  After a few more moments Asami had the grown man on the ground, practically crying.

    “That was amazing!” Korra exclaimed to her. “I wasn’t expecting anything like that from you. I-I mean that you don’t look-. I mean you don’t seem-

    “I don’t look like I can handle myself?” she seemed to help Korra with your sentence stumble.  Korra looked up at her noticing her mistake.

    “ No No no…” she said scratching the back of your head again,” I meant-”

    “It’s fine, Korra. A lot of people think that, but now you know,” she said smirking at the shorter women.  Korra blushed, embarrassed from what she just said to Asami.

    After working out for another hour both women called it quits.  Before leaving they both exchanged phone numbers, so they could hang out again.

    “That was really fun. Thanks Asami.”

    “No problem I had to let off some steam anyways. I’ll text you.” she called back as she headed out of the gym.

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