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        Korra walked into the cafe anxiously.  She slid her way past the crowd of the morning rush.  She took a sit at the crew’s usually spot, and couldn’t stop moving; in fact if she wasn’t moving one of her limbs her eyes also darted.

    Today she decided to meet up with Bolin, and that she needed someone to confide in, and since it was about her feelings towards Asami she couldn’t tell the other woman.

    She waited for about twenty minutes till Bolin walked in searching over the crowd for her.  She waved him towards her, and he made a recognizing face and walked to her.  He sat down and began tapping on the table.

    “So,” he rose his eyebrows, “everything ok, Korra?” He asked concernedly. Korra tried to respond, but all that came out were inarticulate mumbles. Bolin gave a confused stare back.

    Korra took a deep breath, ready to let her pent-up emotions out just a little bit.  “You were right, Bolin.”

    He looked even more confused now. “You know it would help if you weren’t so vague, Korra,” he told her giving her a questioning look.

    Korra sighed, “You were right about Asami… and I don’t know what to do.”

    When she didn’t hear a witty comment or laugh of any sort, Korra looked up to make sure Bolin didn’t leave.  When she did she found sincere face of concern from her friend.

    “Hey,” he reached out and took her shoulder, “it’s ok if you don’t know.  I mean look how me and Opal turned out, and I had no idea what to do at first.”

    “That’s different...I’m not even sure if Asami likes girls, let alone myself,” Korra pointed at herself. “Plus I don’t want to mess up our friendship.”

    Bolin felt really bad for his friend at this moment because he didn’t know how to really help. He’s never experienced anything close to what Korra was right now, but he tried his best to help her out. “Would you rather lose her from confessing, or keep her as a friend, and be satisfied at the fact she’s with you.”

    Korra looked down considering the question. “I guess… I would want her as a friend, as long as I can anyways.”

    “It doesn’t really matter which one you would’ve picked, because no matter what obstacle that comes up within your relationship with her, I was gonna say that you should tell her how you feel whenever you’re ready. You, Korra, when you’re ready just go for it,” he gave a strong shake to her.

    “Thanks, Bo,” she gave a small smile, “you helped a lot.”


    Korra was content with herself now, thanks to her conversation with Bolin. She was going to tell Asami only when she thought she felt ready, and she was willing to keep Asami as just a best friend for now.

    She was taking a walk through the park now. She had a small smile plastered on her face the whole time. She took in all the views of the people. Some were playing soccer, catch, or eating, talking, and walking like she was.  She took in everything, taking a deep breath.  She’s never really felt this good and a peace of mind for a while.

    While admiring the view of the setting sun on the horizon, she accidently walked right into someone.

    “Sor-” Korra couldn’t get another word out.

    “Korra?  I was just about to shoot you a text if you wanted to hang.” It was Kuvira.

    “Well-” Korra silently swore. She couldn’t even get a word fully out.

    “Korra?” someone had called behind her.  She whipped around to see the other green eyed woman.  Seeing Asami again sent the pang throughout her once again, but instead of dismissing it, she embraced it.

    “Hey Asami,” she greeted.  Seeing that the four green eyes haven’t ever met before, Korra introduced both of them. They shook hands politely.



Since all three of them were already at the park, they agreed on just hanging out there.  They conversed about meaningless things, and talked an hour away.  Asami, and Kuvira really hit it off.

Korra’s stomach suddenly rumbled. This shocked all of them, even Korra; this furthermore, caused her to blush. Everyone laughed, and after the fit Korra went to get food for the three of them.

She really liked being in the company of both woman. They seemed to lift her mood without really trying.

After getting a couple sandwiches, drinks, and other snacks, she walked back to the two women. When she reached viewing distance, she saw Kuvira say something that made Asami laugh her head off.  A new pang of jealousy quickly replaced the pang she felt earlier.  She shrugged it off.

As long as she’s happy, and I’m still her friend it’s ok. she thought.

The three women joked and talked forever. Without noticing the street lamps had already turned on, and they departed.

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