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        Asami woke up the next morning alone on the couch.

    Korra quickly walked back to her house.  That morning when she woke up and saw Asami, she just didn’t know.  She thought about how dorky she looked when she slept, and how pretty she was even though she wasn’t trying.

    “Uhh,” she groaned frustrated. She thought back to Asami. “We’re just friends, nothing else,” she repeated this all the way back to her house.  

    She took a quick shower, but her thoughts always drifted back to the other women. Korra got out soon, she thought that being in the shower gave her to much time to think. She needed something to distract herself; so, she sat down on her couch and watched some MMA, thinking it would engross her like it usually did. She was so wrong.  When she usually watched MMA she studied the moves, and tactics of the fighter, but now her brain wondered like loose sand in the wind, and it always found its way back to Asami.

    Korra huffed, “Why am I like this?” she asked herself. She considered that she might actually like Asami, but quickly tried to block it out.  She didn’t want to do anything that might make their friendship weird.  Asami was the first real good friend she made besides Mako and Bolin.

    Wanting to take her stress out, she headed to the gym.


    Korra deliberately hit the punching bag as hard as possible continuously for a long time.

“Asami, is just a good friend… a really good friend. Nothing more, nothing less,” she muttered this through breaths constantly. Harder, hit harder she thought.  

She didn’t know where all this pent-up stress and energy was coming from, but she never really got tired. After about an hour she decided to head to the locker room to take a break. When she looked through her bag for water, she saw that she had a text from Bolin.

“Hey, me, mako, and asami are going to be hanging out at the cafe, and probs the park too. you should come.”

Korra thought about going to hang out with her friends. She thought that it wouldn’t be as bad for her problem with her feelings towards Asami because she let out a lot of her confusion on that punching bag.  After thinking about it for a while, Korra chose not to go. She needed some time away from everyone to get her brain in check.

She went back to the bag, punching harder than last time.

“You have great power,” Korra heard a voice behind her.  She quickly whipped her head around to find a strong looking green eyed women.  

What’s up with all the green eyes!? she thought.

“I’m Kuvira,” the woman said lending out her hand.

“Korra,” she said flatly accepting her hand.

“You know to have even more power you can change your stance just a bit. like this,” she demonstrated by widening her lower half for a stronger base.  She nodded toward Korra, indicating for her to try it herself.

Korra tried to replicate what the other woman had shown her.  Apparently she wasn’t on point.

“Just a tad-” Kuvira took her hips and moved them forward.  Upon contact, Korra was really surprised, but stayed as still as possible, trying not to indicate her uncomfortableness.

“Now, strike,” Kuvira nodded towards her, telling her to knock the bag out.  She hit it, hard.  The bag swung further back, than it has ever had for Korra. Startled at the results she straightened up, and looked back at Kuvira.

“That was… Amazing!” she proclaimed to her.  Kuvira nodded back and smirked.

The two of them practiced together, giving each other tips and tricks for another hour.  The both of them agreed on getting cleaned up in the locker room. After showering, before they split up Kuvira gave Korra her number.

“For, if you want to train again. It was nice meeting you, Korra,” she politely said bye and left the gym.


    While she walked back home, Korra’s mind drifted to Asami once again, but quickly went to Kuvira.  When she trained with the other woman, she didn’t even think once about Asami; furthermore, she thought that maybe she should hang with Kuvira more, so her jumbled emotions for Asami would settle down, but she remembered how Asami looked.  She was alone, and Korra couldn’t live with herself, if she didn’t do anything to help her friend.

    “I don’t know,” she sighed. She was so conflicted with herself now. “I need a break,” she decided opening the door to her apartment.  She threw her things down by the door to her room, and crashed on her bed, quickly falling asleep.


    The next morning Korra woke up late.

    “oh crap,” she yelped as she dropped her phone because it blinded her.  It was already ten, and she wasn’t even out of bed.  She had gotten two messages while she was out that morning. One was from Asami, and the other from Kuvira. “uhhh,” Korra was already stressing out at having to chose one of her friends.  After choosing one she quickly got dressed and went to the park.

NOTE:  Sorry for the cliffhanger, and for posting later in the day.  I had homework, and basketball, and other stuff. thanks for reading :D

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