Skipping Rocks

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        Korra made her way to the city’s central park. She kept thinking about if she made the right decision or not.

    She had finally made it to that park. It was beautiful. It had a large fountain in the middle of it, and a small stream ran through the park.  There were many families and people playing games, and having picnics.

    Korra knew she made the right decision when she saw Asami sitting on a bench alone, staring off into space in deep thought, and her head down, eyebrows scrunched.  When Korra took in the other woman’s stature, she felt this pang of something. She tried to dismiss it, but it was stuck in the pit of her stomach.

    She slowly made her way to Asami, and slid on the bench next to her.

    “Hey, is everything ok?” the other woman whipped her head up and faced Korra. Her eyes were wide, but she soon calmed and smiled upon seeing Korra.

    “Yeah, um, everythings fine,” she got out.  Korra looked at her skeptically; furthermore she didn’t believe what she was told.  “Look, I have something to show you,” Asami said standing up, looking optimistic. “Come on,” Korra still sat there not sure if Asami was just trying to hide what she really felt.  Before she could say anything Asami took her hand and pulled her towards on the small lakes formed by the stream.  

    When their hands had touched that pang was there again, but felt different, and it was stronger.  Korra had no idea how to react, so she blushed embarrassed.

    The two made it to the small lake.  It was so pretty; in addition there were many cute ducklings swimming within it.  The sun reflected off the water from the sky, making it look bright gold.  

    Korra took a deep breath.  She’s only been to this park one other time, but it was literally a run through.  She was caught trying to take a duckling which was against to rules, so she was chased out.  She smirked at the remembrance.

    “Korra,” Asami called, bringing her out of her thoughts, “look.”  Asami had gotten the ducks clear, out of the way, with a few pieces of bread, and took a small pebbled from the shallow shore.  She tossed it and it hopped against to golden water, sending ripples through it. She turned, giving a cute grin to Korra.

    That pang of stuff seemed to send a wave through Korra’s body.  She was so taken by it, looking around to see what caused it. She tried to dismiss, but it only settled back to where it was.

    “That was cool, Asami,” Korra couldn’t help but grin back to her friend. “My turn,” she walked to her and picked up a small pebbled as Asami did.  She threw it as hard as she could, and the rock instantly sank.

    Asami tried to contain her laughter, covering her mouth. Korra flushed embarrassed again, and scratched the back of her head. Asami couldn’t take it anymore. She burst into laughter.

    Seeing the other woman so happy, Korra felt the pang again. It was like it was growing stronger every time it seemed to pulsate.  

    After trying to compose herself, Asami offered to teach Korra. “I’ll show you,” she said still trying to catch her breath.  She picked another pebbled. “You have to spin it with your wrist. Like this,” she demonstrated going through the motion slowly. She gave the pebbled to Korra, “Now try again.”

    Korra took it, and did as told. This time when she threw it it skimmed the water twice before sinking. “Yes,” she yelled pulling a fist towards herself.  Korra was happy to learn something new from her friend. “Thanks,” the two of them smiled at each other longer than normal. The pang slowly crawled its way throughout Korra, stronger than ever. Upon noticing it, she shook her head, and looked down avoiding looking at Asami’s eyes.

    Asami also looked down. She looked disappointed, but shook it off, and tugged Korra towards the water.  They both got over what had happened, and continued skipping rocks and talking like best friends.  Both learned more about each other.

    Korra learned that ever since Asami’s mother died, Asami kept to her father and learned about engineering, and that she also didn’t really come out of her  shell and make friends by herself.  

    “I’m fine now though,” she said waving her hands. “Plus I can handle myself,” she gave a boasting grin.

    The pang made itself clear again. “I know… I’m just lucky I wasn’t the guy that helped you prove that,” she said referring to the man Asami had beat in the ring. The two women laughed their heads off.

    Asami learned that Korra wasn’t from the city, and came here for training, and school from some village in the south. Korra wasn’t one to really open up to someone so quickly, and Asami noticed this, and didn’t push any subject further than Korra explained.  Korra secretly took more of a liking to the other woman noticing she was ok if she wasn’t ready to tell everything about herself just yet.

    After a little while the two decide to get some food.  They just got some sandwiches and snacks from a concession stand in the park. The two women sat at the edge of the small lake enjoying each other’s company, and the beautiful view as the sun came closer to the horizon.  

    Asami’s hand found Korra’s, “Thanks for everything,” she locked eyes with Korra.

    Korra wanted to savor that moment. Asami’s eyes weren’t sad, and were filled with happiness; furthermore she thought this suited her way better than sadness. The pang grew again, but Korra let it stay.

    It was green on blue, for what seemed like forever, but actually only lasted a few seconds before Korra’s phone went off. She mentally cursed herself for not silencing it, but cursed herself again because she just wanted to stare at Asami.

    She took her gaze away from her, and took her phone.  If Asami was disappointed in anyway, she didn’t show it. This made Korra a bit sad. She thought maybe Asami didn’t really want her attention anymore. She was wrong.

    It was Kuvira who had texted her. Hey you want to hang. gym/ eat / walk ?

    Korra felt a quick subtle anger towards the other woman for interrupting her outing with Asami, but quickly tried to get over it.

    When Korra turned back to look at Asami, she was deep in thought gazing across the small lake. “Hey..,” she said guiltily, “I have to… um… go meet up with someone,” she proclaimed with a sad smile because she was disappointed that her time with Asami was going to be over.

Asami gave a sad smile back to Korra, and stood to hit her with a hug.  This time the pang was like a huge earthquake. It sent shocks all throughout Korra. She felt so good in the arms of Asami; therefore, she clung to her for as long as it didn’t seem to weird.

“I’m here for you,” she said into her ear. Korra was about to go crazy. She thought Asami had no clue what she was doing to her. “If you want to talk… or anything,” she said with a reassuring nod as the two separated.


    Even though Korra said she was going to meet with someone, and that someone was Kuvira, she decided against it.  She went to the docks to think.

    Ever since Asami had gave her that hug, the pang was constant, and never settled back.  Korra seriously had no clue what it was, and tried to recall if she ever felt it before.  She tried comparing this “feeling” that she had to her close friends.

    Bolin was like the bestest guy friend Korra had; in fact he was like her little brother.  She never had this feeling when she became friends with his girlfriend, Opal either.  Mako… when they first had met Korra wasn’t the most fond of him, but as their relationship grew so did her feeling for him…

    “Uh!” Korra pulled at her hair in frustration. “ were right,” she whispered to herself.  That pang she’s been feeling for Asami, were her feelings, and Korra finally knew and didn’t ignore the fact she liked Asami more than a best friend "like".

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