Bright Eyes

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        Korra only saw Asami a few times the week after the fight. Each time she saw her, it was just a small hi and bye.  Korra never asked Asami to hang out again because she thought the other women was extremely busy; therefore she hung out with Bolin most of the time.

        Now, Bolin and her hung out at Nuruks, slurping their noodles.

        “Sooo,” Bolin said after taking in a bunch of noodles. “How are things?”

        “You know, training, eating,” Korra responded nonchalantly.

        “Nooo…” he said. Korra looked at him confused. “I mean like with Asami.  Like, do you like her like her, like you know, I’m talking about real liking,” Korra was shocked by his question; however she did recall back when he teased her about Asami.  She didn’t really know how to respond to his question; furthermore, she was now just considering how she felt about Asami. She thought, well yeah she’s pretty and all, and a really good person to be around, but…

        “ I don’t think I like her like that, Bo,” she finally answered his question, after what felt like minutes of thinking.  “ She’s just a good friend,” she tried to reassure her feelings, but the truth was she was just really confused.  

        The two friends talked an hour away, when Korra got a text.  She looked at her phone surprised, because she wasn’t expecting anyone to text her since everyone she was close friends with were busy, except Bolin.  It was from Asami, and she told Korra that she was finally free and had some free time to hang out.  She proposed, that the both of them just crash at Asami’s place.

        Korra looked back a Bolin. “Hey, I gotta go, Bo. I’ve forgot about some papers for Tenzin,” she made up an excuse so her friend wouldn’t tease her again.  Bolin looked saddened, but quickly pulled his head up, and said he would just go hang with Opal.

    She quickly made her way to Asami’s place, after parting ways with Bolin. She knocked on the huge door to Asami’s mansion, and was greeted by a servant.

    “I told you, I had the door,” Korra could hear Asami shout from somewhere within to house.  In no time Asami was face to face with Korra again.

    “Where’s your stuff?” she asked looking behind her for any bags.

    “What stuff?” Korra asked confused.

    “When I said crash at my place I meant, like sleep over,” Asami stated like it should’ve been obvious.  “It’s ok though, I got you covered.”  Korra was about to argue, that she could just go back home later, but before she could, the other woman was already ushering her inside.

    Asami gave Korra the whole tour of her huge house, but skipped all the unimportant stuff.  By the end of it, the two women sat tired, in a comfortable silence, in the living room.

    Korra gave Asami glances every now and then to make sure that she didn’t fall asleep on her, but every now and then her mind went back to what Bolin had asked her earlier that day.

    “Is there something wrong?” Asami sprung Korra back into reality.

    “No,” she furrowed her brows, not knowing why Asami would ask her that question. “Why do you ask.”

    “ You seem...I don’t know tense? No, stressed?”  Korra looked at the other woman, a bit bewildered, that she was able to sense what she felt like, even though she wasn’t trying to make anything obvious.

    “No, I’m fine,” she answered back, not wanting to explain her confusion over Asami. “I’m just tired.”  Asami gave a hm back to Korra in understanding, and quickly shot up.

    “I know, how about we try to make dinner.” Korra looked at Asami, and thought about how hungry she was. Although she did eat with Bolin, she felt hungry again due to the whole tour, which felt like a few miles. After giving it some thought she agreed, and the two of them headed towards the kitchen.

    The two both decided to have a rice dish with beef, and soup.

    “Let’s do it,” Korra said.  Both women stood next to each other not knowing where to start.

    “How are we going to…” Asami spread her arms referring to the kitchen. “I don’t exactly know how to cook.”  Korra looked shocked at Asami. She thought the woman knew pretty much everything, but apparently cooking wasn’t one of them.  She smirked at learning something new about Asami.

    “I’ll show you,” she said because with her years of not living with her parents, she learned how to cook.

    She began cooking everything, asking Asami to do things for her in the process.  Asami looked over her shoulder constantly, wanting to learn what she was doing.  Korra felt a bit too close to the other woman, but didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to offend Asami.

    After a few moments of what seemed like an awkward silence to Korra, she asked, “Soo… Why don’t you know how to cook?” Asami looked a little embarrassed at the question, but told Korra that she had servants usually cook her meals for her.  Korra took the whole servants thing in, remembering that Asami was rich; in addition, this thought brought curiosity towards Asami’s father, since she’s only seen servants since she arrived.  “Where’s your dad?” she asked out of curiosity.

    “He’s probably at the factory, or his workshop behind the house,” Asami said solemnly.  Korra looked back at her in sympathy.  This was the first time she gave recognition to Asami’s eyes. They were really bright, and green, pretty, but sad.   She now knew that Asami was pretty much alone, only left with servants; in fact, Korra made the whole realization that Asami must feel really lonely within her giant house, and always busy, never having time for herself.  Not wanting to push the subject any further, she gave a nod, and a worried grin back to her.

    The food was finally done, and the two women moved into the living room to eat watch tv.  They watched a movie, and finished their food.  When the movie was over both suggested sleep. Because Korra didn’t have any clothes, Asami lent her some clothes, a large shirt and really comfy pj bottoms.  

    Korra went to one of the guest rooms, and Asami was a few doors down in her room.  Korra tossed and turned not being able to sleep. She finally gave up after a few attempts, and laid there to think.  She thought back to how forlorn her friend looked at the mention of her father.  Even though her parents weren’t with her, Korra knew her parents loved her, and couldn’t wait to see her, but Asami looked like she felt ignored. After giving it some thought, Korra decided she wanted her friend not to feel alone at all.

    Korra was abruptly pulled out of her deep thinking when Asami knocked on the door.

    “Hey, Korra?” she said it quietly like she wasn’t expecting a response.

    “Yeah?”  Asami walked in upon hearing her response.

    “Sorry, I just couldn’t sleep.”

    “Me neither. You want to go watch some more movies?” Korra suggested. Asami agreed, and both of them headed to the living room once again.

    After half way through the movie, Asami fell asleep on Korra’s shoulder, and before Korra could wake her to move to her room, she was also out.


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