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It’s been a few weeks since Korra had come to sense with her feelings, and everything was going well. Kuvira, Asami, and her hung out a few more times, and their friendship was growing like a plant on steroids.

Mako’s, Bolin’s, and her next match was announced to be in a couple weeks, and if they won it they were at a shot for state championships. So now the three of them trained whenever possible.

They were at the gym on Saturday night lifting, running, and punching in stations.  They have been there for an hour already, sweating, and working really hard.  Most of the gym had cleared because it was already almost nine at night, and most people had other things to do during the night besides work out.

Korra was lifting some weights, while Mako punched a punching bag, and Bolin was running, when they heard the door open and close. Surprised someone had come in this late into the night the three each strained their necks to see who it was.

Since Korra couldn’t get a clear view, she set the weights down, and moved closer to the entrance hall. It was Kuvira and Asami. This made her smile.

“What are you guys doing here?” she ran over and gave each of them a hug.  Asami’s touch still sent shivers through Korra, but she grew used to it, and in fact started to like the feeling.

“Well we haven’t hung out in a while since each of us were busy, and I asked Asami, and she suggested that we come to train and hang around with you guys,” Kuvira explained. “I also thought that I could give your teammates some tips and tricks too.”

Korra smiled. Kuvira was always trying to help her get better at her craft, and now she was going to extend that to her whole team.



“Ok so your stance has to be strong, but light-” Kuvira was giving tips to the two brothers while Korra waited for Asami to come out of the locker room, punching the bag lightly.

“So what do want to work on?” Asami called as she walked out.  Korra’s head snapped up to see her. Her jaw fell off it’ hinges, but she quickly closed it and blushed. Asami was wearing her workout leggings, and a red sports bra. Korra could still feel the warmth on her cheeks, and hoped that it wasn’t visible.

“Um-uh-” she could only stutter before she calmed herself. Asami smirked because of how dorky her friend looked and sounded. “How about we lift some weight-” before she could finish her suggestion, Asami cut in.

“I was actually thinking that we should spar,” she said. “So I could show you other ways to counter, and know,” she seemed a bit choked up at what she suggested, but Korra agreed, and she was better after.

Once in the ring, Asami gave Korra some tips and ran through some motions of counter-attacks.  The two only practiced this for about thirty minutes when Korra asked for a water break. When she came back Asami wanted to show her more tactics.

“I wanted to show you how someone could counter your submission, and how you could counter back,” she felt a warm wave flow to her cheeks.

“Sure,” Korra shrugged and gave a grin.

“um-ok… so you have to put me in the maneuver,” Asami said awkwardly. “Full on...ok.” Korra nodded, and the two of them were entangled, and Asami was about turning red.  Korra felt really bad, but before she could ask Asami if she wanted to loosen up, she was on the ground, and Asami was over her with a clenched fist.

Asami had a fierce smirk on her face looking straight at her. Korra was wide eyed, and her heart was pounding like a restless thunder; in addition she tried to keep her breathing calm so Asami wouldn’t notice anything off. Korra gave a fierce smirk back, and flipped them over, now she was on top, fist clenched, but not really intending to punch.

Both women had a long staring contest, before Asami laughed out loud, not able to keep it in; this further more, caused Korra to start laughing too.  Asami took her chance and pushed to other girl off, in a laughing fit. Korra laughed, as her cheek flushed in embarrassment of being knocked on her butt.

The forever constant pang pulsed wholeheartedly, and Korra looked over at the other woman. She was so pretty, funny, caring, friendly… the list goes on, but Korra was saddened, that she probably would never know how she felt about her.

“Hey, Korra, I’m going to use the bathroom be right back,” Asami called bringing her out of her  reverie. If Korra knew better she might have thought Asami looked a bit sad, and for what reason, she didn’t know.

“Hey, Korra you wanna take the bag?” Mako called finishing up his round on it.

“Sure let me just get wrapped up,” she walked to the locker room to get her wrap for her hands.

“Uh..what was I thinking. I knew that would’ve happened, and yet I still- uh!” Korra could hear Asami whisper to herself in frustration, and upon hearing it Korra immediately wanted to comfort her.

“Hey?” she called, “Asami are you ok?” she slowly made her way into the locker room to see Asami over a sink head down. She made her way to the other woman, and embraced her from behind. She didn’t know exactly what she was doing, but it felt right. Asami tensed up at first, but when Korra didn’t let go, she relaxed. They stood there like that for what felt like minutes. “You know,” she started again, “I’m also here for you if you want to talk or anything. I won’t let you do all friendyship stuff.”

“It’s not like that Korra,” she said shifting to face her. This caused her to let go. “I can’t- I’m-” she couldn’t get anything out so she took a deep breath. “I can deal with it.” Korra looked at Asami in shock. She felt offended, that she couldn’t trust her with something, but she tried to ignore it, and calmed herself.

“That’s ok Asami, but if you have something that you need to confide to someone, I’m always here. Just whenever you’re ready,” she took what Bolin had said to help her and gave it to Asami.


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