Plus Love

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A.N.: Time period is when All Might is at the peak of his career. Per usual, the image is not mine so please DM for recognition or removal!

Also, there is sex.


"Ahh, so you still keep in touch with Sorahiko's boy?"

"You mean, Toshinori? Of course." Noriko had been doing more than just keeping up with him, but Hanako didn't need to know all of that.

"He's all over the news, that kid. He's come a long way since the first time you met him, hasn't he?"

The answer had been a yes... without a doubt. All Might had taken the world by storm, making headlines across the globe, scaring villains back into their slums, and garnering a massive amount of support from people everywhere. Not many knew about the humble beginnings he'd come from, but for those that knew the man he used to be- before all of the stardom- it made his accomplishments even more praiseworthy.

Presently, after a tiring day of work, Noriko sat at her desk, twirling a pen around lazily while taking a break from the many forms she had to fill out- documents pertaining to the new teaching curriculum her school was trying to implement. She was trying to phase her way out of teaching and become just a full-time director on the board, but that came at the cost of handling new responsibilities (namely paperwork).

Noriko figured at this point she could call it a night, and just in time as a buffed up Toshinori sauntered over to her from the bathroom.

His day had been just as rough and filled with crime-fighting. Once his "shift" ended, her apartment was where he came.

His body was dripping wet from a hot shower. A white towel was wrapped neatly around his waist, but in his All Might form it just barely kept him covered up.

"You look appetizing..." She murmured. He wasted no time in coming over to her and sweeping her out of her seat. A devilish smile pulled at his lips as he whisked her away to the bed.

"Toshinori!" She giggled.

"Hmm?" The sound seemed to rumble up from All Might's chest, vibrating his body against Noriko's. Even with the heat radiating from his skin, this caused a small shiver to travel down her spine. If Toshinori noticed this, he didn't make it apparent; all of his attention was focused on trying to take her clothes off.

The dark-haired woman groaned. "You're so impatient.." On the contrary though, she was too. Whenever she was in his presence it didn't take much to get her hot and bothered. Her desire for him was like a light switch that could be flipped on in the blink of an eye.

Noriko let him fuss around with her clothes just a bit longer, watching him grow frustrated with the buttons on her sleepwear; she was intrigued with seeing how long it would be before he asked for her help. His fumbling in front of her aroused the brown-skinned woman while also doing much to make her laugh.

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