Better Apart, Together: Part 1

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A.N.: So, this is my little *Trigger Warning* simply because there is violence and villains being villains, but it's nothing too crazy (I don't think lol)!

Also, there's really no set time period for this chapter. Just know that it takes place after my previous chapters (maybe like a few weeks to a few months (maybe even years) after the last one).


"That's probably not a good enough reason to have a test done but I just wanted to be sure."

"Of course. All cultures have their own beliefs about fertility," The doctor noted, referring to Noriko's 'fish dream'. "It never hurts to get a check up when something concerns your body."

"Right!" She chuckled. "But there's no way I can be pregnant though- not at this age anyway!"


"And you said you have no known quirks?"

Noriko nodded. "Not once did my parents have me tested as a child, but my body has never displayed anything outside of the norm."

"Hmm..." The doctor flipped through his clipboard of printouts, going back-and-forth with reviewing the physical documents and whatever else was on his laptop.

"Is everything okay?" The perplexed look on his face was beginning to worry Noriko.

"Well," He said, "Unless you have a quirk that's causing a hormonal imbalance, Ms. Murata, you are five weeks pregnant."


Noriko's mind was on a loop- somehow managing to circle back to that four-letter word as she replayed the events of today in her head. The adrenaline was long gone and the only thing powering her now was her fighting spirit to be free. Well, that, and the weight of the reality that was unfolding before her.

Fate would have it that after leaving the doctor's office, she was jumped by a gang of villains. One or two people she could have handled, but to be caught off guard by four men was a different story. And at the worst possible time...

Noriko looked down at her stomach.

Motherhood had crossed her mind plenty of times in the past. To this day, she still caught herself wondering if she was missing out on the experience of having a family. But she was comfortable with her crazy life as it was. Throwing a child into the mix seemed like a whole other ordeal in itself.

Still, Noriko did feel a tinge of happiness knowing that she would have a little one of her own. She couldn't wait to break the news to her Papa (the man only just stopped begging her for grandkids so he was going to be elated to know he was finally getting one).

There was still the matter of getting out of here though. No matter what it took, she vowed to escape.

"Hmm, where to start..."

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