Better Apart, Together: Part 3

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A.N.: So, idk who all actually reads my author notes, but this is my thank you to everyone who has read my story up 'till now! When I first set out to write this, it was because I couldn't find any other All Might x Black Woman/Reader stories (idk if I was just searching the wrong hashtags or what), but I didn't expect to get so many views on my little imagine! Anyway, I digress! Thank you everyone, and keep leaving your lovely comments!



No response.

Noriko was starting to regret having told Toshinori about her pregnancy.

After weeks of withholding the information, she ultimately decided that it was best to just be upfront with him. Her baby bump was starting to show and soon she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret anymore.

So, she told him everything, divulging about her initial plan to tell him in the future, and mentioning the roles that Tsukauchi and Nighteye played in her plan.

"Toshinori?" Noriko called his name for a second time.

Still no response.

He stared at her, but his gaze showed that his mind was elsewhere- probably racing a mile a minute.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"Well... it's going on three months now."

"Three months? You're kidding?"

She wasn't.

Toshinori's knees buckled and his body slowly slid to the penthouse floor.

"...we're having a baby," He murmured.

Noriko crouched down in front of him. "Yeah," She smiled.

"We're having a baby?!"

"We're having a baby!" Tears were flowing from his eyes and it was clear that he was excited. Toshinori grabbed her hands and squeezed them tight. It was so unreal... he was going to be a father.

Noriko couldn't help herself from feeding off his excitement, and her own tears started to flow freely. It was a bittersweet moment though. They still had so much to talk about.

"But," She started to say, pulling her hands away from him, "We really need to talk..."

"What more is there to talk about? We'll be a family, Noriko." Toshinori reached out for her hands and pulled them back within his grasp. He peppered kisses all over her palms, looking up at her and smiling at her delighted giggles. "We'll buy a house- a huge home with two stories. Or would you prefer something cozier? And you won't have to work anymore. Unless you want to! But I'll take care of you... I'll take care of both of you..." He looked down at her belly for a brief second until his eyes traveled back up to her face. "And if she's anything like you, she'll grow up to be an amazing woman."

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