My Hero Amor

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A.N.: You guys, I haven't dabbled in fanfics/imagines in so long (even though that is how I got my start in writing) so bare with me while I find my groove again. Anyway, I hope y'all like this one!

P.S. Time period is just a few weeks after the previous chapter.

P.S.S. There is steamy sex.


If there was one thing that Noriko remembered from her Mother, it was her always saying that a good meal made a good spirit. This phrase was usually repeated time and time again whenever her daughter didn't want to eat her food as a kid. When Noriko went under the tutelage of her master, she learned to enjoy all types of foods without complaint, but the phrase rang even truer from that point forward. Ever since then, she made it a point to make a good meal anytime her loved ones needed extra tender-loving care, and with Toshinori still in recovery it was the perfect time to do so.

Since his release from the hospital she'd been coming to his home just about every day to help in caring for him. Might Tower was the aforementioned's hero agency where all of his hero work was handled in bureaucratic-like fashion. It was a high-rise office building where just at the top you could find the hero in his most natural state, that is, if one could only get past the doors to his "department" (aka his penthouse).

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of grocery deliveries," She commented as she browsed through bags of groceries. This was all new to her. Her presence filled his penthouse many times in the past, but her awe at his luxuries never waned. His kitchen alone made her feel out of place in her shorts, T-shirt, and hair that was haphazardly put into a puff. "I can't even remember the last time I cooked for you, it's been so long."

Laying over on the couch with a book in hand was Toshinori. Like Noriko, he too was dressed in loungewear.

At the mention of her cooking he jumped a little in his seat. The last time he ate her food was weeks before the confrontation, but still, even then...."I barely survived my fight with All for One, and now her cooking is going to be the death of me."

True to her Mother's homestyle flare, Noriko used many spices, but above all, she was very heavy handed with her usage of peppers- namely habaneros.

"Ugh Noriko, what are you making?" He asked, trying to keep the worry out of his voice.

"I'm not making anything spicy today, if that's what you're concerned about," She laughed. "We have to adhere to the list of foods that your doctor says you can eat."

"Oh, right..." The initial fear of her spicy cooking made him forget about his predicament for just a moment.

He subconsciously placed a hand on his side- the action not going unnoticed by Noriko- and turned his attention toward gazing out of the window. On a normal day, he could sit and endlessly look over the bustling city streets. Now though, it became a grim reminder of his weakened state.

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