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"So... lemme get this straight- this world was created for the sake of entertainment and is a musical?"

Ted removed the bottle of whiskey from his hands, giving Starkid a look of disbelief. "That's a load of fucking bullshit. I'm pretty sure that I came out of my mother's vagina and not some sheet of thin paper."

Jeff pressed his lips into a thin line. "I know this is hard to believe, but we're not giving you bullshit." It didn't help that Ted was drunk. He wasn't going to believe a word that came out of anyone's mouth.

"Everything that's happening right now... it was an idea that became a musical. The whole singing-alien part was the plot..." He felt guilty. He had been feeling guilty- this was all his fault.

"So, my daughter's dead because you wanted to entertain a group of people?" Everyone turned to Bill, who was fuming. Jeff nodded. How the fuck was he supposed to know any this would become real? Could his other musicals be like this too?

"That's sick. She's only a teenager!"

Lauren put a hand on Jeff's shoulder. "We didn't know any of this was real, Bill." Her grip tightened on her friend's shoulder when Bill stood up and stormed to the corner of the room with his head in his hands. "We know how to stop all of this. We can put an end to this shit before anyone else gets hurt." The rest of Starkid looked at Bill, Paul, Ted, and Professor Hidgens.

"Wait, who else gets hurt?" Paul stepped forward, his hand moved to Emma's, who squeezed it.

Mariah shook her head. "Does it matter? We're going to stop this." She eyed Professor Hidgens, who was examining a flask full of blue liquid. Did he have the same thoughts of what he wanted to do yet?

"How exactly do we do that, Mariah?" Corey asked. They hadn't gone over how they're going to survive a trip to the meteor or how they were going to get home.

"The meteor can easily take us, don't you think?" Joey and Jon nodded, taking the thought in.

The lab grew silent. Starkid was so focused on the fact that they needed to save this world that they hadn't even thought about how they were going to do so.

A classic xylophone ringtone cut the silence. (Y/n) let go of Robert's hand, which she hadn't realized she was still holding. "I... I h-have to take this..." She lifted the phone to her ear and left the room.

Lauren kicked Robert's ankle. "Dammit, Robert. Follow her and make sure she's okay." The Australian scowled at the new pain in his right foot. "Go, Manion!" Robert rolled his eyes and followed (Y/n).


"(Y/n), doll- are you alright? I'm in Hatchetfield right now, and I can-"

"So now you call, John?" (Y/n) scoffed. Her voice was sarcastic, but the hurt part of it could be spotted easily. "Nine fucking months and no call, no text to know if you're okay? Now that the world's ending, you want to call me? That's bullshit, and you know it!"

There was shouting on the other line and the sound of a gunshot. "Doll, can we not do this right now? Please tell me where you are so I can come and get you. I can't... I need you-"

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh. "You need me? But you didn't need me nine months ago? You didn't need me on our anniversary, your birthday, or mine?" Her laughter became shaky as tears formed.

"That is bullshit, John!" She ignored another gunshot that sounded closer to the call. "I don't need you, okay?! I don't want to see you like I haven't seen you for nine fucking months! Just- never call again."

Harsh coughing was heard on the other line. "(Y/n)... doll... p-please-"

"Goodbye, John." (Y/n) shakily removed the phone from her ear and pressed the end call button, just as a tear dripped onto her now ex-husband's name. "F-Fuck..." The iPhone dropped from her hand, earning a loud crack when it reached the floor.

Robert leaned up from the wall and walked over to her. "(Y/n)..." he slowly grabbed her free hand and took it in his. Unexpectedly, she turned around and wrapped her arms around his body, sobbing into his shoulder. "H-Hey..." he rested his chin on top of her head and shushed her. "It's..." It wasn't okay, so instead of continuing, he hugged her back. All she needed was someone to be there for her at the moment, not to tell her everything was something that it wasn't.

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