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(b/s): birthstone

The plan as to how to stop the meteor was a tough one to draw out. The previous attempt, which had been written, ended with Paul being infected either way and the 'disease' spreading to Clivesdale.

"Well... why don't we just throw the grenade further away from the theater this time?" Jaime suggested. "I-I mean, Pa- someone went into the theater and tried to blow it up, but the meteor turned hi- them against who they were. They even ended up like the aliens though they blew up up the meteor."

Jeff closed his eyes and nodded. "That... it sounds like a good idea."

"But who would be going there?" Corey asked, looking around at everyone. Bill was still in the corner with his head in his hands. Mariah had gone over to attempt to comfort him. Lauren was leaned up against the wall with her arms crossed, glaring at Professor Hidgens. Jeff and Jaime were sitting next to him, trying to figure out a plane together. Emma and Paul were talking to each other, sitting very close to one another. Ted was still drinking in the corner (everyone had decided to leave him alone to drink). And Robert was last seen following (Y/n).

Professor Hidgens set down the flask. "Perhaps a grenade wasn't strong enough, as the distance was too close." He folded his arms. "(Y/n) studied biology as well as nuclear weapons and how to build them. She's interested in those kinds of things and is also an expert. She did almost blow up the college on quite a few occasions."

Everyone looked at him with a disturbed expression. "What?"

Jaime sat up from her seat. "Do you have the materials to build a bomb that's... supposedly stronger than a grenade?" She didn't know how the fuck (Y/n) was supposed to build a stronger bomb than that, but a part of her said that (Y/n) would be able to.

"Perhaps... it depends on what (Y/n) will be able to build." The professor pinched the bridge of his nose. "But only God knows what that girl is going through right now." He lowered his hand and sighed.

"You've mentioned that we're all a part of your musical," he gestured to Bill, Ted, Emma, and Paul. "But where's (Y/n) in all this?"

Jeff bit his lip. "She's not..." he ran his fingers through his hair. "(Y/n) wasn't originally a character. We don't know anything about her. The fact that she's General McNamara's wife is actually... he doesn't have a wife... or at least he's not supposed to."

"He doesn't anymore," a dead voice interrupted. Everyone stared at the entrance to the room where (Y/n) stood, holding Robert's hand. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, but the hurt expression had left shortly after Robert helped her calm down. The gold banded (b/s) ring was absent from her left ring finger. "What do you need me to do?"


While (Y/n) put together multiple pipe bombs, she had Robert made bottles full of homemade mustard gas. Everyone decided against making such deadly weapons, but Robert was ready to help (Y/n) in any way he could... even if that meant making a gas that could easily kill anyone in the room.

"So... who's going?" Jeff asked. While the two put everything together. Mariah put Bill's hand down, who had immediately raised it. Professor Hidgens shook his head and looked away, turning his attention back to the flask.

"I'll go-" Paul started, but Emma pulled him back and shook her head. She had caught the mistakes that Jaime had made earlier. Paul had been the one in the musical to leave them, and she'd be damned that something would happen to him. "Oh... n-nevermind."

Jaime, Corey, Jon, and Jeff had already put out that they were going. They had made a promise to (Y/n), and they all intended to keep it.

"I'm going with you guys." (Y/n) stood up from the floor. The pipe bombs had been put in a large bag, separated by wrapping paper from Christmas earlier that year. The mustard gas had been put in small water bottles.

Professor Hidgens moved away from his position. "Wait, (Y/n)-"

"No. You're not going to talk me out of this, Henry." The room grew quiet. "I'm not even supposed to be existing right now, and these people need to go back to their original world. And I'll do whatever it takes to stop this musical bullshit from spreading and get them home."

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