Epilogue 1

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This epilogue goes to @DepressoBiEspresso, as it was their idea to put together this ending. Thank you so much for this!

-One Year Later... October 31, 2019-

"You're going to be fine, Robert." Lauren rubbed her friend's back with a reassuring tone. "Black Friday isn't going to turn out like our other musical-"

Robert pushed his friend's hand away. "Lauren... please just let it go..." He couldn't cry, not over her. Not anymore. "W-We have a show to perform." Lauren sighed and walked out of her friend's dressing room.

A small sheet of paper peeked out from under a pile of make-up. It was a drawing of a woman with (h/c) that was tied up into a bun and warm (e/c). There was a small smile on her face that had smudged throughout time. "A whole year... and you've never left my head..."


"And pass Chris Kringle the ball!" Robert stopped at the bottom step and rose his fist with the rest of the cast. "Yeah!"

While the audience cheered for the end of the song, Robert's eyes fell upon a person sitting in the second row.

The figure's face wasn't all clear, but there was enough light to make it out. Hooded (e/c) that were half-way covered with messy (h/c) hair.

Her eyes moved across the stage while she clapped, a big smile on her lips. But the smile shortly faltered when they met Robert's.

As the clapping and lights faded, Robert was pushed back to reality when Curt pushed him forward with a 'yeah!'. The audience took it as anyone would've: Chris Kringle got so wrapped up in the applause that he needed someone to bring him back.

When everyone that wasn't in the next scene got backstage, Curt pulled Robert aside. "What the hell was that, man? Are you alright?"

Robert simply waved his hand in the air, dismissing the thought. "I'm fine, Curt." He shrugged off his jersey and hurried up the steps with Joey, Lauren, and Jaime.

Ignoring the look Lauren was giving him, Robert started forward while Dylan and Kim stared at the audience.

"Just take me back. Gotta take me back. Just take me back. Gotta take me back," Robert sang, making sure to keep up with the others. His emotions couldn't get the best of him now. "Just take me back. Gotta take me back. Just take me back. Gotta take me back."

His hazel eyes fell back on the woman in the second row. The camera wasn't focused on him, so no one would notice. "Just take me back (oh)... Gotta take me back in (time)... Just take me back (oh)... Gotta take me back." The woman's eyes met his once more before he exited the stage once more.


Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit... Robert ran his fingers through his hair. Hallucinating. I'm fucking hallucinating. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes. I shouldn't have left her there... I shouldn't have left her there...

"Robert? Robert, where the hell are you?" Lauren ran around backstage, calling for her friend. "Robert-" She stopped when she saw the Australian running to the lobby. "Dammit, are you trying to get trampled?!"

Robert ignored the calls and stopped in the lobby, ignoring the cheers and claps around him. None of them were hers... none of them were hers. Fuck, what am I doing?

"Excuse me," he tapped on a small boy's shoulder and knelt to his height. "Have you seen a woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes? She's about my height?"

The boy nodded. "You're talking about my sister, (Y/n), aren't you?" Robert blinked in confusion but decided to go along with it, just in case. "She's in the bathroom. She told me to wait here. You can wait with me if you want!"

While waiting, Robert took a few photos and signed a few sheets of paper. It would've been rude to just wait in the lobby for someone that most likely isn't who he thinks she is and not say anything to those around him.

"How do you know my sister, mister?" The boy asked after the lobby grew empty. He didn't feel like shouting, but it poked at his curiosity that an actor would know who his older sister is.

Robert pursed his lips, trying to put something together. But he didn't have to.

"Henry! There you are!" The woman, presumably (Y/n), rushed over to the booth and engulfed her younger brother into a hug. "Oh!" Robert gave her a warm smile. "My apologies... w-was he bothering you at all-"

"He was looking for you (Y/n)!" Henry tugged at his sister's sleeve.

(Y/n)'s face flushed. "Y-You were looking for m-me?" Robert's heart thumped hard against his chest as he nodded.

"Oh, um... Robert Manion," He held out his hand for her to shake.

"I-I know..." She shook his hand back, ignoring her brother's cheeky smile. "(Y/n) (L/n)... it's n-nice to finally... meet you." A warm smile spread across her lips. "Y-You were amazing! I loved the show."

The next few moments were spent discussing small bits about themselves. Henry would tug at his sister's sleeve and add something embarrassing throughout their discussions, but everything else went smoothly. Robert pushed aside the fact that this wasn't his (Y/n) and tried his best not to ask any questions involving the other (Y/n).

"Well, it was lovely to meet you, Robert." (Y/n) smiled and took Henry's hand in hers. "My brother and I best be going. We've still got to eat dinner."

Robert licked his lips and nodded. "Of course, don't let me keep you." He took out his phone and opened the contacts app. "Would you mind putting yours in?"

(Y/n) stared at his hand in shock. "A-Are you sure?" Robert nodded. "O-Okay..." She quietly took the phone from his hands and typed her number in. "I-I suppose I'll talk to you soon then." Henry smiled and pulled his older sister away, mumbling the words 'I'm hungry' over and over again.

The siblings left, quarreling with one another about the man they just met. It brought a small smile to Robert's lips, but it quickly faded when Lauren grabbed his arm.

"Who was that?" She stood on her toes in an attempt to see who her friend was talking to, but failed when the doors slammed shut. "Robert Manion- who was that?" Her tone turned demanding. Her friend was broken moments ago. What the hell could've happened to change that so quickly?

His upper lip twitched, but the frown remained. "No one, Lauren... don't worry about it." He left the lobby to return to his room, leaving his friend by herself to her thoughts on the matter. She didn't believe him, not one bit.

And Robert damn well knew that.

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