Chapter 1~Autumn

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Byun Baekhyun
_ Nyxessa _

Seasons are a universal symbol of change and renewal, which repeat themselves over and over again, unstoppable and without mercy. Starting with winter comes a time of calm and reflection, a period of regaining strength and recharging your batteries which is then replaced by spring, where everything starts anew, new life, new beginnings, and new opportunities. Everything blooms, flowers, bushes, people...spring is a season full of hope.

Those new things then morph and grow into their full potential, shine in their full brightness during summer, presenting themselves from their best sides and you harvest what you planted during spring, you follow your dreams, you practically chase after them. You cash in all the results of the hard efforts you made until nothing of value is left until you are tired of hunting.

Everything that has a spark of life in it has to die. That is just how life is. You get born, then you pursue your dreams, chase after the stars that you long for, and eventually one day you die. And that's what autumn is, a season of slowing down, a season of stepping back a bit, a season of death.

It's the season where Mother Earth decides that it is time for a break, so leaves turn from green to yellow to red to brown and eventually, they fall to the ground, animals prepare their hibernation for winter, the temperature drops, fog spreads itself over the with morning dew sprinkled meadows, which glitter like stars in the early sunlight and humans retreat into their homes, onto their couches with a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate while they watch the world turn colorful first and then grey.

In the past, Baekhyun used to loved autumn a lot. He thought that the way nature managed to always renew itself was beautiful, so death, to regain strength and come back stronger from that than before, was something he truly admired and tried to implement into his own life. Besides that, the way the world turns colorful and calm used to make him melancholic and content, kind of dreamy and philosophic, but all of that lies in the past.

Now, he doesn't like autumn anymore. He hates it.

Every time the last third of September comes around Baekhyun can feel, how he turns more and more dead inside, unable to appreciate any of the change the fall season brings because autumn robbed him of the only thing that he didn't want to live without, robbed him of the one thing that had made his life whole.


Baekhyun feels a lump in his throat as he continues to walk through the streets of his district, Mapo, the breeze quite fresh against his face as it already late in the afternoon. His eyes wander over the trees that are growing on the left and right side of the street he was currently walking on right now, their leaves glittering in the golden September sun. Some of them already changed their color, which is not a surprise if you consider the time of the month if you consider today's date.

Baekhyun would love to not think about September 29th. If he could, he would love to burn this day out of his memory. Or rather what had happened today two years ago.

Today, two years ago he lost his best friend, his partner, his lover, his first true love, his husband in a car accident. Since that day, Baekhyun's life never had been the same again.

It's like time never did continue from that day on. The world around him had moved on, the season had come and go, people had come and gone while he was trapped in this bubble where everything had remained the same since that day.

Baekhyun still can't speak about what had happened that day and he can't articulate how he felt from that day on. It's like the world that once was full of color, full of wonders, full of surprises, had turned grey and lifeless, mum or maybe it was just like that for him? He only could watch things fly by, doomed to sit there, and watch as they pass, unable to participate or interact with.

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