Chapter 3~ An Offer

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Byun Baekhyun
- Nyxessa -

Even though the man that was a spitting image of Changnam had told him to leave him the fuck alone and not talk to him, Baekhyun could not stop himself searching for that brown-haired version of his dead husband which is why he stopped by said café throughout the following week, once he got to work and once he got off, but the unknown man seems to have been swallowed by the earth, because Baekhyun didn't encounter him even once.

It hurt Baekhyun because after the initial shock, the initial wrath, and pain there was only one thing that he wanted, and that is answers.

He just wants fucking answers.

Who is that man that looks so much like Changnam that it should be impossible to be a coincidence? Who is that man that has that same raspy, deep, warm voice and those round puppy eyes that make him look like the night sky has come down because it had found its real home?

Baekhyun had cursed himself more for once for lashing out that day. He had been able to see the hurt and confusion in the other's man's face that he thought had been his husband and he just had screamed at him everything that had come to his mind, acting like a total dumbass. No wonder he didn't want to have anything to do with Baekhyun, hell, if he had been in the other's position he would have probably called the police on him. He is lowkey thankful that the other didn't and he makes a note to himself to thank the other for it if they should ever meet again.

And Baekhyun plans on meeting the other again and if he has to visit that damn café until he dies, so be it.

He needs answers. And he lowkey wants to see Changnam, or more the stranger that looks like Changnam, again.

The moment the man's sleeve had fallen back that day and had revealed the wrists of the other, Baekhyun had known that the other was not Changnam, because something had been missing.

The tattoo on his right wrist. The '008'. Changnam always had said that it was his lucky number if he was asked about it especially because it was a rather unusual position for a person that works at a bank. Besides that Changnam had had a giant dragon on his back which had meandered its way all down his spine as if he was guarding a big secret. Baekhyun always had loved the tattoo, used to trail the ink under the skin with his nimble fingers while the other had slept, repainting them with invisible paint to never forget their shape, to have it etched into his brain forever.

But still, even though he knows the other is not Changnam, he can't help but be drawn to that man, with the identical big Yoda ears and those almond-shaped, chocolate brown eyes and those big, plush, peachy lips. Now that he has the chance to kind of see his dead husband or someone who looks like him, he couldn't get enough of looking out for the other. Because it finally seems like an exit, a way out of this heavy darkness that is surrounding him since that fateful day, leaving him feeling cold, lonely, and isolated.

It is as something had mercy with his silent, begging cries for seeing the man that he had loved more than anything else and had decided to send him back in the most possible cruel way that is there. Because as much as Baekhyun wants the other to be Changnam, he is not. He is not the man that he buried, because that person actually is dead and that feels like a stab to the heart, but on the other side, it still makes him feel so painfully alive for the first time since that terrible incident.

This is why Baekhyun finds himself going back to that café every day although he knows it will kill him probably. If not because of the pain in the chest, then from the stranger throwing something at his head for disrespecting his privacy and following him around like a creepy stalker.

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