A Distressed Father

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Everyone went to the ground level searching for the girl. Bugs saw a father in distress. 

"Excuse me, sir? Can we help you?" Bugs asked the stranger 

"You. Have you seen my daughter?" the man questioned Bugs. 

"Your daughter?" Bugs asked as he was very confused at the question. 

"My daughter, Aisha." Her name is Aisha and she's in Primary 4. She ran out of the house." The man explained. 

"Is he drunk?" Elmer asked as he saw the man. "Was she wearing a ponytail?" Lola asked. 

"Yes! You saw her?" the man asked Lola. 

"We spoke to her just now." Bugs told the man. "At the top floor," Elmer added finishing Bugs' sentence. "Then she disappeared inside the lift," Petunia added.

"She took the lift? Which one? The man asked. Petunia didn't want to answer instead, she pointed to the lift on the right. 

"No! You let her take the haunted lift?!" The panicked man exclaimed. "No. We didn't let her." Elmer explained. 

"If anything happens to her, It'll be your fault!" the man warned the group. 

"What?!" Lola exclaimed in confusion. 'You were the last to see her, right? How do I know you didn't take her?" The man asked as he threatened to call the police. 

"Hello, Police? My daughter disappeared, but I caught the suspects!" "Come now and arrest them!" The man spoke to the police. 

"Sir. I think you got it all wrong." Bugs explained to the man. 

Lola promised the man that they would find Aisha. The man agreed and he gave them his name, "Koichi Long. Father of Aisha Long."

Looney Tunes: The Haunted LiftWhere stories live. Discover now